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"Get used to it. I'm not going to tone it down for ya, princess. - he literally said that... what does that mean?" I've been refraining myself from pulling on my hair because that sentence alone had me going extra crazy for the past three hours now.

Vic and I literally went straight to work after that comment from him and it was just awkward and tense, I mean, for me, at least. I really don't know what he meant by it. I don't know if I should be hurt or..? I don't really know! So me being me, I just rushed to finish my work and basically ran back to my house, diving on my bed and calling Jenna, selfishly unaware of the time. I didn't even bother telling him goodbye, I just went for the door, ohmygosh.

"Seems to me that he's mocking you." She says as I hear voices of different people on her background. I figured that she's still in school, about to head out, I suppose. It's quite noisy on her end but I grew a liking in listening to it - to them. I could hear the different conversations of the kids from her school and it's just so amusing to listen to. "Hello, Kell? You still there?"

"Oh! Uh, yeah. So? Does that mean he hates me?" I ask, feeling really anxious now. I don't want Vic to hate me, gosh, it's only been two days and I already have him hating on me? My crush already hates me? Oh gosh.

My best friend chuckles airily and though we're a phone line apart, I could almost see her rolling her eyes at my naivety. "No, hun. Maybe he just, I don't know, find you amusing or some shit like that?"

"Do you think he hates me? Oh my gosh, Jennaaaaaaa!" I whined, resulting to slumping down on my carpeted floor instead, cradling Pickles in my arms for a desperate kind of comfort.

"I didn't say that."

"Does it mean he's making fun of me, then?"

I hear my best friend sigh. "Why are you making a big deal out of it, Kells?" She asks, seeming genuinely clueless and curious and also exasperated. I gulp down the instant lump that formed in my throat, pulling my small frame into a cross-legged position, Pickles still tucked against my arms and my chest, a frown appearing on my face now that I feel my face getting weirdly hot.

Should I tell Jenna about my discovery? I mean, yeah, I've already come to the conclusion that I have a teeny tiny crush on Vic but I don't know if I should tell anyone. What if it isn't really a crush? I barely know much about this thing - what if it's just me who thinks of it that way? I don't want anyone to keep on looking at me as someone who's so innocent and naive when it comes to everything, actually. Especially something that seems so natural and simple to other people like having a freaking crush on someone.

"Am not." I mumbled, feeling the warm roses blossom on my cheeks, a coy smile crawling on my face. And yeah, I do feel like a fool, just smiling here in my room, all alone while I hug my favorite stuffed toy in my arms but I just can't seem to avoid it all.

I hear Jenna chuckle from the other line."Oh, yikes. You do have a crush on the sacristan!" She yelled, so much knowing and enthusiasm in her voice, as if she'd just solved the greatest mystery known to mankind.

I scoff. "No! I just- I just don't want to have a bad impression. Is all." I mumbled, fiddling with the tag attached to Pickles' butt. I am a terrible liar - anyone could easily see through my lies because I'm just not used to telling them. I grew up having a close relationship with my dad and I tell him everything. Every time I'd even dare to make up a lie, he'd be able to look right through it within a snap of his finger.

"Oh, yeah?" She teases. "Or maybe you just want to impress Viccy?" She teases, sounding so amused and I grumbled. She's supposed to be a helpful best friend but all she's been doing is make me feel all warm and blushy and flustered about it! It's not my fault that the mere mention of Vic's name makes me feel all bubbly inside.

Church Boy (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now