Lovely Street Mouse

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The next morning Aladdin and Lamia stuck together to nab breakfast, he and Abu snagged a melon and Lamia and Lura got a loaf of bread. "I feel like this is a taunt on how I lost our dinner yesterday." She smiled softly. "Don't beat yourself up, those kids needed that food more then we do. You did the right thing." He smiled as they split everything four ways and started to feast, as Lamia handed a piece of bread to Lura, she halted and pulled it back. "I fed you last week, the last thing I want is for you to get greedy." The reptile almost pouted and Aladdin laughed. Soon everyone was easily feasting and Lamia was enjoying the sight of the busy marketplace when she noticed something out of the ordinary.

"Hey Al, you ever seen a street mouse that well dressed?" Everyone else looked and leaned forward a little at the sight of the young female who had just pulled her hood back up over her black hair. Lamia saw how well kept she looked, street mice never looked that nice. But upon looking at her brother she saw he was dazed, she shook her head with a sigh, rolling her eyes. "There he goes again." She said, Lura hissed lightly, a laugh in her serpentine tongue. But both their laughter faded upon noticing what the girl did next; picked an apple from a stand and gave it to a little boy.

Definitely a rich girl, they're never aware of what things cost, or if they have any cost at all. She thought, following her brother as they reached the scene and he halted the vender's hand. "Oh thank you kind sir, I'm so glad you found her." Said Aladdin, pushing the girl towards Lamia. "Oh sister of mine, take care of our family delinquent." Lamia quickly grabbed her shoulders and stood by the rich girl's side. "What are you two doing?" Said the mystery girl. "Just play along, he knows what he's doing."

"You know this girl?" Aladdin turned to the vender with fake pity. "Sadly yes, she is our cousin. She's a little crazy." Lamia giggled, Lura slithered out and perched on her shoulder, the mystery girl jumped back slightly upon spotting the reptile. "She said she knew the sultan!" Lamia laughed lightly at the vender's yell. "She thinks the monkey is the Sultan." She said, gesturing to Abu as he pulled back from someone's purse.

"Tragic isn't it?" Said Aladdin. "But, no harm done?" "Indeed dear brother." She said with a sophisticated nod, taking the girl's hand. "Come dear cousin, time to visit the doctor." "That one?" The mystery girl said, pointing to Lura. She catches on quick. She thought, shaking her head. "No not that. Come on brother, time to feed Sultan." Abu bowed goofily, spilling the apples and coins in his vest with a screech. And that's our cue. She thought, the three of them running off down the street.     

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