Cave of Wonders

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The three humans ventured out into the dark night, Aladdin kept his eyes ahead to look for the cave but Lamia was squirming under the old man's eye, he hadn't stopped looking at her since they left the cell. When they reached it, Aladdin stepped up first but Lamia was held back by the old man, before she could protest he slipped something into her palm. She closed her mouth and opened her palm to see a ring, golden band with a rather large blue diamond. She gaped at it for a moment before looking to the old man, he placed a finger to his lips and shhed softly, she hesitated before slipping the ring on her finger and going after her brother. But just before she stepped onto the sand staircase she looked back at the man who smiled slowly and winked, her heart fluttered briefly before jogging after Aladdin.


After meeting the carpet, they walked through all kinds of caves before reaching a dark high vaulted one with a stone structure reaching up to the ceiling, though he asked his sister to stay put Lamia was stubborn and followed Aladdin up to where the lamp sat. It was a beautiful piece, golden brown like the brass ones they'd both seen in the market place, but different somehow, in a way they couldn't quite put their finger on. But before they could figure it out, Abu touched the ruby.

The escape was quick and sudden, all Lamia could do was hold on to her brother's waist and watch with wide eyes at the lava approuching from behind. When they finally reached the enterance, she was in a daze and barely relized what was going on until they fell back again. When her head hit the ground, she was knocked out cold.

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