Happy Ending For all but One

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She knew she should be happy; Agrabah's back to normal, her brother's found the person he's been looking for, Genie's free of his lamp, but she wasn't happy, nowhere close. And she was about to do something about it.

From her balcony she stood atop the marble railing, looking down upon the ground miles below with teary eyes. "If you can't have me, no one will." She whispered before letting gravity take over. She expected to hit the ground, to let her life be cut short, instead huge arms caught her and she opened her eyes to see:

"Genie?!" "In the flesh." He flew back up and placed her back on the balcony. "What in Allah's name are you doing here? I thought you were off traveling the world!" "I was, but then I remembered who wouldn't be celebrating...Jafar's defeat." Her vision instantly blurred with angry tears, hands raining punches on his large blue chest.

"You! You had to go and throw him into the Cave of Wonders! You knew my feelings for him and you flicked him away into the desert and left me to watch my brother gain his love while I stood alone! It's your fault! YOU GOT RID OF MY LOVE!!!" She ran out of steam then, fists coming to a stop on his chest. When she looked up again her eyes were red and her cheeks soaked, her voice came out in a tearful trembling whisper.

"Why...why'd you do it?" Genie didn't reply at first, floating the two of them over to her new bed where he lay her down and sat beside her.

"Sometimes...we have to do things for the greater good. We have to...put aside our feelings to do what we know is right, what we feel is most needed." Why she didn't ignore him she wasn't sure, only watched in slowly receding anger as he spoke, eyes clouded with sadness as he looked at her.

"I know you loved him, that much is clear, and I wish I could've seen it sooner. But I can tell you this..." He rested a hand on hers. "A powerful being like that won't stay hidden forever, he'll be back." Her lower lip trembled like little girl, new tears rising. "What if he comes back when I'm dead? When I've died alone and still wondering when he'll return? What then?" "That won't happen, I promise."

There was a pause as she took this in, she knew he couldn't promise such a thing, that there was no really good chance that Jafar would come back. And yet...she appreciated his kindness, the fact that he still cared even after throwing away her beloved, that through all this he still hadn't told anyone what she felt towards the enemy. So rather then pushing him away, she lay her palm on his and smiled in a calm happy way.

"Thank you Genie." He smiled before hugging her gently. "Now get some sleep, I promise to come back here as soon as possible." "Have fun." "Will do captain ma'am sir." He said with a playful salute before jetting out the window and off into the night, her running up until she reached the railing and could only watch him disappear among the stars. Once he left, she came to terms with what she'd do about the gaping hole in her heart.

I don't know if he'll ever come back no...but the least I can do is hold the torch up and never forget how much I love him. Attempting to escape via suicide is the cowards thing to do. She smiled before tilting her head up towards the star-speckled sky, wiping all the tears away.

"You may not be a hero like my brother beloved, but I swear by Allah and the stars above, I will never stop loving you." And for just a moment, she almost heard her love's laugh and saw his red eyes in her mind, causing her to smile softly.       

To be Continued...

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