Friend like Me

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When she finally woke it was to her brother's frantic voice, upon opening her eyes she noticed two things; the fierce pounding of a sprouting headache and the blue floating being that took up the majority of the cave.

"You're a genie!" The blue male raised an impressed brow. "Well you're a believer aren't you?" "Someone in the family has to be." He smiled before going to her level.

"What's your name kid?" "Lamia." "And you're related to Al here?" "Younger sister by two years." Slight pity crossed his face. "I wish you had rubbed the lamp, you'd probably have all kinds of fun ideas." She shrugged. "Just make sure he splits every one he makes down the middle and I'll be fine." Pause. "What can you grant anyway?" He grinned. "Shall I illuminate the possibilities?" "Yes please!"

When it was over Lamia and Carpet were the only two clapping but it was Lamia that was beaming big enough the replace the sun.

"So what'll it be master?" Genie asked, while the two men chit-chatted she took a moment to think about all the possibilities.

We could do all kinds of things, go anywhere, do anything. Genie pointed out the three rules. Almost anything, but still! Now I don't have to marry some old rich snob just so we can have a roof over our heads.

"Come on Lamia, let's get out of here!" Before she could react Genie tossed her onto the carpet and she could do nothing but hold onto her brother's waist as they whizzed out and off into the desert.  


After reaching the oasis, Lamia jumped off with a squeal, whirling around in joyous circles while Aladdin watched with a humored smile. It wasn't until she finally calmed down when he spoke. "You done yet?" She blushed, slipping her hands behind her back.

"So Al, what are you gonna wish for first?" He tapped his chin in thought. "Don't know..." He turned to Genie. "What would you wish for?"

"Me? No one's ever asked me that before. Well in my case - aw forget it." Lamia lay a hand on his big blue shoulder. "Freedom?" His jaw dropped. "How'd you know?" "Call it a hunch." She glared at Aladdin out the corner of her eye, he cast her a nervous wave. An idea struck her and she turned back to the magic being.

"Tell you what; what if Aladdin promises to use his last wish to set you free? Seeing as I wasn't the one to rub the lamp." He raised a skeptical brow. "How do you know he will?" "He's my brother, I'll know." Aladdin held out a hand which Genie glanced at before shaking. "Well, here's hoping." He said. "Now, what is it you want most?" She took that moment to stand back and watch.

When Aladdin's first wish was granted, she worried for a brief five seconds that she was forgotten only to see Genie shot a stream of magic that engulfed her. "You think I forgot about you Lamia, every Prince needs a friend beside him." She smiled at the possibilities to come.

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