Royal Garden

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After getting settled in at the guest room out in the garden, Lamia went off to explore the place further. As she walked through the backdoor, she failed to notice someone watching her and carefully following her. She eventually entered a large room with a realistic diagram of Agrabah with a Moon and Sun, ticking slowly. She ran her finger along the Moon in thought.

"Lovely model isn't it?" She jumped and whirled around to see Jafar standing some feet away, watching her with a calm curiosity, she frowned instantly. "I suppose so." He glided into the room, eyes roaming over her body. She started to squirm under his gaze. "What?" "Oh nothing, you're just...very fit." The warning balls inside her started to ring. "Is that a problem?" His eyes darted to hers. "Not even close." A dark cloud passed over her brow, his smile was an amused one.

"You're awfully somber aren't you?" She jutted her hip out one way. "Call it a hunch but maybe it has something to do with you." His smile vanished. "What are you implying Princess Lulu?" She smirked before beginning to stride around the room.

"An older man talking to a younger woman, that tends to come off as rather suspicious." His eyes narrowed slightly until they fell to her waist, particularly the hand perched on it. "Where'd you get that?" She raised her hand to look at the blue diamond resting on her finger, she had forgotten about it. Suddenly she looked up and realized his red eyes were suddenly very familiar. Street mouse instincts kicked in and she bolted out into the garden, gaining a head start and soon hiding in the leaves of a fruit tree. Just as she got comfy he came out and stopped just beneath her.

"That wasn't the sultan's ring was it?" Asked Iago, yellow eyes wide with worry. "The same ring you gave to the street mouse, when you busted her and Aladdin out of jail?"He arched a feathery brow. "Why did you give her that ring anyway?" The older man expertly ignored the question. "Princess Lulu is no more then that street mouse Lamia." The slight anger in his face softened instantly. "Though I suppose that isn't such a big problem." Iago grinned.

"Oh? Does a certain someone think a street maid pretty?" The faintest blush dusted his cheeks. "Let's head back inside." "Aren't you gonna hunt her down and ask her how she got here?" He smiled slowly. "I think we'll meet again, sooner or later." And he turned and walked back inside. Once he left she slipped down and quickly jogged back to the guest house where she sat and though a little. Lura slithered out from beneath the bed and she smiled before gently stroking her scaly head.

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