Heading Home

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After losing the guards, the two street mice decided it'd be best if their new friend hung out at their place until further notice. Lamia went ahead and checked the way while Aladdin and the street mouse shared a simple, sweet conversation. When she fell into his arms, Lamia felt a pang of what she knew to identify as jealousy and decided to think on it.

Aladdin and I have always had each other, ever since mom died and dad left, we've had no one but each other. But...neither of us are kids anymore. She glanced at two holding hands. Maybe it really is time to find someone, settle down, maybe even get married. "You think I'd make a good wife Lura?" The snake glanced at her before slithering back into the folds of her raggedy dress, she rolled her eyes before continuing onwards.


Eventually they reached the abandoned place they called home and Lamia watched and listened as the other two talked about this and that, it was the street mouse who addressed her first.

"What about you? Do you want to live in the palace someday?" Lamia shrugged, stroking the top of Lura's head with one finger. "Maybe, it'd be nice I guess, not having to worry about when your next meal is, being waited on hand and foot. But it'd get boring, I'd use the luxury to travel the world." The other female nodded. "That's a very good idea." Lamia paused, before smiling back.

"Here you are!" Everyone's heads whipped to the stairway where the castle guards stood. "Escape plan is a go!" Yelled Lamia as she jumped to the windowsill and Aladdin quickly followed, the last female was cautious before all three of them jumped. They landed on a pile of sand and got ready to run away only to bump into the head guard who grabbed Lamia first and soon Aladdin. When mystery maid was thrown aside, she stood back up and pulled back her hood, revealing a large blue jewel. Being a woman who knew her jewelry Lamia knew what it meant before she even spoke.

"Unhand them, by order of the princess." Everyone froze, From her spot in her owner's robes, Lura raised her head with slightly widened eyes.

As the two street siblings were carried off, Lamia caught the princess's eyes and paused before smiling, it was a sad smile that said 'you did your best' in a gentle motherly tone, and Jasmine returned it slowly.

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