Fate can be Cruel

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Lamia had been weeping in her room when Lura slithered in with a small scroll wrapped around her neck in red thread. Wiping her tears away, Lamia unrolled it to find a simple message inside. 'Meet me in the throne room.' It didn't take an idiot to know who sent it. She sighed, letting Lura coiled lightly around her neck and headed off down the hall.


She paused at the door, breath frozen as was her raised knuckle. Spirits dropping she lowered it with a silent sigh and turned only to hear the doors open behind her. "Come in my little dancer." She winced at the velvety tone before turning around, gasping at what she saw.

Admittingly, the room looked beautiful in mystic evil way; the golden elephant that had been behind the throne before was now a cobra with it's hood spread open, mountains of gold gleamed up against the walls, and both Jasmine and the sultan were at the mad man's mercy. And there was Jafar, lodging on the throne and gazing at her with that burning passion she wished didn't have that much of an affect on her.

"I take it you got my note?" She frowned before looking away, he stood with a look of slight pity. "Now now dear princess, don't act that way around your new sultan." Tears began pricking her eyes as she turned away and bit down hard on her knuckle to hold back the sobs. His palm gently rested on her back, lips just barely grazing the back of her ear.

"I had to do it, that second wish. If I hadn't they never would've let us be together." He came closer, lowering his voice to the softest whisper. "I did it for you." It was as though a switch went off inside her, and all she could think about was those five words. They declared something for her; he was still in there, the man she had fallen in love with was still in there just waiting to be held. He chuckled likely at her reaction, running his fingers lightly over her shoulder as he placed a kiss to her neck gently, she gasped ever so slightly at his now familiar touch.

"Jafar, leave her alone!" They both turned around to see Jasmine with a rebellious spark in her eyes, unaware the gasp had been of pleasure. Lamia was careful not to let her new idea slip to the surface in any facial form. So she thinks he's gonna hurt me huh? Well let her think that. She only had to look at Jafar for an instant to see he was thinking the same thing, it gleamed briefly on the surface of his eyes. His hand came up to possessively grip her shoulder, to her it was a loving touch on her skin.

"You know each other Jasmine?" The princess hesitated. "What secrets are you keeping from me?" She shrugged casually at the question. "Not much I guess." "Are you really Ali-Aladdin's sister?" "Yes." "Is your name a lie too?" "My real name's not Lulu if that's what your asking." "What is it?" "Lamia." Her face softened slightly. "That's a nice name, it works for you, better then Lulu." Lamia paused before slowly smiling.

"You'll both make a nice addition to my throne." He said, pushing her so that she landed beside Jasmine. "Imagine two lovely desert flowers on my arms." Only one of them took it to heart, making it hammer happily. He does still care, oh my darling... That's when Aladdin made his move.

As Jafar and Aladdin rapidly approached their final fight, Jafar raised his snake head to attack Aladdin and Lamia made a decision. With a flying leap she intervened and was sent flying across the room, body hitting the wall with thump and was outlined by a crack. The room fell deathly silent as she slumped to the ground with a groan, blood seeping out the back of her head as her eyes rolled to the back of their sockets and she slipped into unconsciousness. A sound like a choked up scream fell from Aladdin's mouth as he pulled away from the ginormous cobra and to his sister's side.

"Lamia, oh sis." He held her tenderly in his arms, running a hand through her hairline and feeling the blood come away on his fingertips. From his spot across the room Jafar knew he had hurt the woman he realized meant more to him then he expected. "Sis, are you alright?" She groaned, eyes opening halfway. "Aladdin...my head...hurts..." She was weak but would survive, both men knew it and were relieved. Body now burning with revenge, Aladdin glared at Jafar over his shoulder.

"You hurt my sister, now I swear I'll kill you." The words sent a bolt of shock through her body, how she wanted to stop her brother, to confess her love for the enemy, but her body was like wet sand, her tongue like a dried date, she was useless, immobile. Temporarily but it was long enough to stop her actions. That's when Aladdin went at the vizier sword in hand and the old man found himself fighting not because he wanted to kill him but because he wanted to be alive when she could move again, his thoughts started racing.

I can't kill him, not when his sister's out...oh Lamia wake up...I should've told you sooner what you mean to me... But he wasn't known to be cold-hearted for nothing, throughout it all he never let any of his true emotions come to his face and only glanced at Lamia for brief seconds. He wanted her to be alright, but didn't want her to wake up only to see him lifeless as the desert sand. But the further the fight went, the more he continued to worry which clouded his judgement, the strength he was well aware he possessed mixed with the powerful emotions swirling in his head towards the love of his life made his sanity slip like sand through his fingers. And caused Aladdin to get the upper hand.

From her spot on the floor, Lamia listened to Aladdin as he lured Jafar's greed out further with all the right words. No darling, don't do it don't give in to the temptation! Tears leaked from her eyes as Jafar took the bait and directed his attention to Genie, she wanted to scream at Aladdin for doing such a thing to her love. No...please Allah, she manged to turn over and gaze up at the ceiling, please...don't let this lead where I think it will. But it wasn't an assumption, she already knew. And when she heard Jafar demand Genie made him an all powerful genie, time seemed to freeze.

All of a sudden the signs were flashing before her eyes; Jafar as an old man giving her the ring, the way she felt when she heard his voice for the first time, how his hands felt wrapped around hers, their first kiss in the garden, him stealing her virginity with as much passion as she desired...

It was like a switch was thrown, she couldn't walk, or even crawl, couldn't say a word of protest but she reached for her darling with trembling hands as he rose to gigantic height above them all. Then at some point, he saw her and their eyes met, her weak body reflected in his new bright yellow eyes. Then he started getting sucked into the lamp, Lamia reached for him with the faintest squeak before he disappeared into the lamp. She squeaked again, drew herself up into a quivering ball, and started to cry.

Why Allah... she thought, why must you sometimes be so cruel?

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