Prince Ali

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Some time later, a magnificent parade came through town, Aladdin sat confidently in the main spot while Lamia sat at his side. In the few seconds that had come and gone, she could harely believe how she was dressed. The smooth purple fabric she was wearing was looser then anything she was used to and with the music and excitement her brother's parade was bringing, it wasn't long until she used Carpet to swing down and start to sing and dance with everyone else, eyes lit with wonder.

When it was all over, Lamia narrowly avoided being shut out and collapsed against now elephant Abu with a sigh. "Come now my sister, say good day to the Sultan." She raked her hair from her face and walked up before bowing gracefully.

"Good afternoon your majesty." Aladdin beamed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder once she stood back up. "Allow me to introduce my younger sister, the lovely princess Lulu." "Welcome welcome Lulu, make yourself at home. This is my royal vizier Jafar, he's delighted to meet you." She looked up to greet the other male and froze.

Standing in the shadows was the kind of man whose posture signaled secret authority, but that wasn't what caught her attention, it was his eyes. Rust reddish brown with dark lashes that further illustrated a hidden power that was best left untouched, they seemed to burn a hole right through her very soul. "An honor to meet you my dear." It accrued to her as he spoke that his voice was like velvet; rich smooth and almost irresistible. There was something about it that silenced her into simply nodding before stepping back to her brother's reach.

The sultan was a childish old man, she could tell in the way he wanted to take a ride on Carpet. She smiled slightly when he ignored Jafar's advice and kicked the staff off so that he flew off around the room. It was such an adorable sight she giggled faintly under her breath, only to instantly fall silent when a hand gently took hers. She turned to see the vizier smiling sweetly, but it was a predator smile that made her street girl instincts kick in.

"I don't believe we were formally introduced my dear." She arched a brow, disgust coming out as a light scowl on her lips. "I don't believe so. Yet you know my name so why should I present it again?" His chuckle was deep, rumbling up from the back of his throat, and Lamia wasn't sure she liked it.

"Perhaps, but I insist on no formality between you and I." He kissed the back of her hand slowly, glowing eyes never leaving hers. "Call me Jafar." She yanked her hand from his grasp and resisted the urge to wipe it on her skirt, it might give away her true lifestyle. But she did turn away and glued her attention on the sultan as he finally came for a land and the exhausted Carpet flopped down on Abu's trunk.

The following events Lamia watched in calm amusement, acknowledging how painfully predictable the three men were despite being so different in age. It wasn't until the princess entered the room when she looked up and scowled.

The street mouse her and her brother had met was no longer hiding behind a hood, now she wore turquoise silks and a matching headscarf with a jewel at the center, her birthstone no doubt. Lamia had to admit she was rather beautiful, large brown eyes with youthful power, black hair with not a single strand out of place, skin perfectly tanned. But there was something else there as well; anger, misery, bubbling beneath the surface, she had seen it many time before and would see it many times again but in the end it was all the same; women in Agrabah didn't have it good, no matter what the social slot they had. After she stomped out, Lamia looked to Aladdin who looked back with a nervous shrug and smile, she laughed, it echoed throughout the high ceiling room.

"Well that certainly went well didn't it?" Only Aladdin knew she wasn't only addressing him and winced slightly. She shook her head with an almost pitying smile only to let it vanish completely when she noticed Jafar watching her with a sly smile and a calculating eye. She frowned before leaving the room, his faint chuckle of drifting after her.

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