Pure Corruption

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Night slowly slipped into morning as Lamia and her love made a plan; since everyone assumed Jafar had fled the building, Lamia would play along until he managed to steal the lamp and take over the kingdom, then after taking Jasmine as his trophy wife and officially becoming sultan he'd kill her and take Lamia as his true bride making her the new sultana. It was a perfect plan but had one flaw; Aladdin, for Lamia it would be the hardest to reveal to her brother whom she loved with all her heart. It was either let him go unharmed and leave her as royalty, or keep him locked up until he surrendered. The thought of him never giving in was one she chose not to think about, no matter what her brother might say she wouldn't hurt him for the world.

But as the sun peaked over the horizon she was still cautious, stroking her beloved's brow as he peacefully slept. Soon he awoke and she slipped into her special occasion outfit nervously, knowing the declaration of Jasmine's and Aladdin's engagement was to take place this afternoon. When she finished getting dressed, she found Jafar was gaping at her openly.

"What?" "You look...marvelous." She blushed deeply. "You flatter me too much Jafar, you don't want me to become cocky now would you?" He smiled, sliding a hand down to her waist. "Call me anything other then that, we aren't just friends anymore are we?" She gently cupped his face in her palms. "No my darling, I suppose not." He smiled before placing a tender kiss to her lips which she happily returned. When they parted he lowered his lips to her ear in a light whisper. "I'll come for you, don't worry." Before he slid from her grasp and out the room. She paused at the doorway before going off to find her brother, crossed fingers behind her back.


At the ceremony, Lamia took a trip down memory lane. When I was younger, I used to dream of falling in love, of meeting someone who'd respect everything I'd do. Then as I got older, the dream changed, I wanted the forbidden relationship hardly anyone would approve of, to have a man that would kill to be beside me. But Jafar isn't gonna kill anyone...right? She bit her thumbnail, growing slightly nervous. "In a secret relationship with a man who loves me and I'm still cautious about it all." She glanced at her brother with slight sadness, pitying how despite being her truest friend she couldn't trust him with this particular secret.

That's when the clouds swirled over the sky, casting the area in darkness as they glowed light lilac, she whistled softly under her breath. He knows how to make a scene I'll grant him that. She watched in awe as the sultan's robes were magically stripped from his body and began the perfect fit on Jafar's lean frame, a part of her swelled with pride, like a mother watching her child start to walk. That's my love, no one else's, but mine alone. Her heart fluttered at the thought.

Jafar she noted was clever with his actions; never giving any hint they were together as he barked orders like he had done so all his life, but there was something else there too: he was getting too into it. She wanted to stop him but knew as soon as she stepped up he'd let their secret slip and she'd lose her brother trust. Not that I'm not gonna lose it as it is. She realized, coming to the conclusion she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. But when she witnessed her beloved send her brother to the ends of the Earth, something cracked inside her as his laugh rang in her ears and the purple clouds above turned bright red.

"Wealth often corrupts the goodhearted." The statement popped so suddenly into her head, heart sinking upon remembering her darling had said it not so long ago. Indeed, so does power. Her thoughts replied, she backed up slowly and soon turned before breaking out into a run, disappearing back into the palace with her lover's cackle ringing in her ears.

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