Thinking in Prison

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"Well, we haven't been here in awhile, what is this like the forurth time we've ever ended up here?" "Fifth I think, I stopped counting after you scared the guard with Lura and we managed to escape before our execution." "Ha! Yeah that was hilarious." Aladddin smiled weakly. She returned it before sitting beside him. "We really messed up this time didn't we?" "I think we did Lamia, I think we did." Pause.

"Aladdin?" "Yeah?" "Do you...ever miss mom?" Childhood had always been a sensative topic between them, but mom was the cherry that topped the cake. He looked at her for a moment, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she rested her head on his. "Everyday, I miss how she always was so hopeful even when times were tough. What do you miss about her?" "How she always said no one but you would care if I married guy twenty years older then me." She burst out laughing, slapping her knee while Aladdin rolled his eyes with a playful smile.

"Yeah I remember those days, you used to always say you wanted an old dude because they had power in their veins. You used to think every guy older then thirty was a genie in disguise." "Yeah, I was so stupid back then, I know better now." "Really? What are old guys to you?" "Young boys that wanted to long to get a girl." They both fell over laughing. But when it subdued they were still in a dark cell awaiting their death.

"Oh Lamia, we're both fools." "You're only a fool if you give up boy." They both looked up to see an old man in the corner, seeing as Aladdin had been addressed and not her Lamia sat back and looked over the stranger.

He seemed harmlees enough, but if there was one thing she had learned from living on the streets it was never judge a scroll by its title. The old man looked like an old man but it was his eyes that set her off; they looked too young, too clear to be that of a senior citizen, they were actually quite...entrancing.

"Lamia!" She jumped and looked at her brother. "Yeah?" He rolled his eyes. "I said do you think we should take this guy up on his offer." She looked to the old man who stood beside an exit in the wall. "How do we know we can trust you?" He grinned at her, lighting his eyes up in a way that unexpectedly froze her every fiber.

"My dear, I would never lead you astray." He wasn't talking to Aladdin anymore, he was talking to Lamia, eyes set boldly into her gaze as if challenging her. She paused before turning to her brother.

"Let's do this."

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