A Snake's Song

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Later, evening fell and Aladdin was debating what to do about Jasmine while Lamia played on her pipe and Lura swayed to the rhythm. After listening to her brother complain for several minutes, she finally lowered her pipe with a sigh. 

"If you really want the girl so bad why don't you tell her the truth?" He rolled his eyes. "Fat chance. She'll kick me out for sure." "So? At least you would've tried." He looked to her with a frown.

"You know, I could've left you back at the house." She stood up with a frown. "And I could've left you in jail." "I wish I could've left you for dead!" Deathly silence fell over the room, he realized too late what an affect he had on her, she looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"Okay...okay...I see how it is. I'll just..." Tears filled her eyes and she fled the room, sobs escaping her lips with Lura coiled on her arm.


While sitting at the fountain, Lamia wept with as much tears as she could supply, Lura every now and then nudging her gently. Finally she looked up, running her hands beneath her eyes. She tilted her head back to the sky and sighed, sobs reseeding. "What happened to him Lura? What happened to my brother?" But when she couldn't reply new tears sprouted and she sobbed lightly, letting them slip off her cheek and fall to the ground.

"Wealth often corrupts the goodhearted." She jumped to her feet and saw Jafar standing several feet away, parrot perched on his shoulder. "It's one of those things that's almost impossible to avoid." Her face hardened instantly, hands quick to wipe the tear streaks away. "Get the hell away from me!" Lura hissed from her shoulder, Jafar gazed at the reptile with an interested eye.

"You have an Arabian black snake." "Lura, raised her from an egg." "Are you a snake charmer?" "It's a hobby." He smiled slightly. "I've always been rather fond of snakes, such calm collected creatures." Her eyes trailed to the staff he held in one hand. "I noticed." He took a step closer and she jumped to her feet.

"I said leave me alone." He smiled slowly. "Such spirit, I do enjoy a little fire in a women." Her eyes narrowed. "This fire will leave you a scalded corpse in the desert." His grin only grew further. He took another step, watching the way she recoiled with mounting desire. "What do you want?" His mind was wiped clean of logic, only an overwhelming desire for the forbidden fruit was in his head now, his eyes raked over her curvy form, breath turning ragged. It seemed like an eternity before he replied.

"You." And with lighting quick speed, he lunged and soon pinned her a nearby tree, Iago grabbed Lura and flapped some feet above the ground so that she was helpless and unable to bite him. Lamia struggled in the older man's grasp, fear creeping through her veins as it made her eye wide.

"Let me go!" He was looked at her, his gaze was on the ample cleavage shamelessly peering out of her purple top. "So beautiful..." His eyes finally gazed into hers, bright with lust and easily making her fall still. "Has anyone ever told you how lovely you are...Lamia?" She froze at the sound of her real name. "I'm princess Lulu." He chuckled deeply, the sound sent a shiver down her spine, not of fear. Something else entirely. And it scared her.

"Perhaps, but I gave Lamia the street mouse a ring." His hand crept up one of her pinned wrists. "This ring." Thin boney fingers rubbed the large blue jewel fondly, he looked back at her face to see she was as white as a sheet, she looked back into his eyes with lips fearfully parted, his gaze fell to them instantly.

"And I want her." Before he claimed her lips in a harsh kiss as desire exploded like firecrackers. She screamed out, sound muffled by the man's lips on her own, his aroused hum sent bolts of emotion through her body as his hands quickly went to her hair, clutching fistfuls so that it was instantly messed up.

Lamia on her part was shocked, stunned, whatever the term, she had never been touched like this before. Sure she had her first kiss when she was a child but this was different, it was overwhelming, harsh and dirty. The way warmth radiated off his body like a lizard in heat, how he had spoken to her with a voice so husky and low it made her insides tremble, and how he looked at her...it was like she was the important thing in the world.

She shoved him off, cheeks bright red with what had happened, both of them were breathing hard though his was slightly more pronounced as he continued to gape at her cleavage. "If that happens again, I'll personally have my brother string you up by your toes." He smiled, straightening himself slowly.

"And what will you tell him? That his dancer of a sister was kissed by the old grand vizier, and liked it?" Her blood went cold. "If you really hated it, wouldn't you have slapped me by now?" "I-I..." He slid up to her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her quickly up to his chest. There was that forcefulness again, the quick way he moved, it was reawakening something inside her.

"You did like it didn't you? You wish you hadn't pushed me away?" "You're putting words in my mouth." Her voice was suddenly a soft whisper, hands unconsciously resting on his chest. "Am I?" He leaned forward a little, she didn't pull back and instead let his forehead rest lightly on hers. "I wasn't lying about your beauty, I dare say you're even more lovely then Jasmine." She allowed a faint blush to rise to her cheeks. He barely tilted her chin back before claiming her lips in a much more tender kiss.

Something exploded in her the second she froze up accidently clutched his robes, something huge. She took a moment to think about it before pushing him back again, heart now hammering in her chest. Neither of them said anything as she snatched Lura from Iago's grasp and ran off. When she reentered the guest room, she stopped and ran her fingers over her slightly swollen lips.

Did I just kiss the grand vizier twice? She drew in two trembling breathes. "And did I...like it?" Unsure what to do about it, she sat down and started playing to Lura, though couldn't quite concentrate thanks to a certain pair of rust eyes that danced inside her mind.

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