All the time in the world

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Both knew he was taking a risk spending his night with her, gently stroking her brow in order to ease her off into slumber, but she was far from tired, neither of them felt like closing their eyes. Both were secretly afraid as soon as they did they'd wake up worlds apart once more.

"Aladdin's gonna kill me when he finds out." Somehow she knew he was aware what kind of people she and her brother really were, he smiled lightly. "He'll kill me first." Silence settled between them, the only sound heard was the gentle stroking of his hand on her hair.

"Why is it you've put up with being the sultan's advisor all these years? I saw the look in your eyes the first time we met, you don't like being the puppet." "How can you tell?" "I've been there before." Pause.

"I have a plan you know, to take over the kingdom with the genie I know your brother has. I'd ask you to get it, but I wouldn't dream of sending you on such a task. Even I can respect you're loyal to your brother." She smiled, finally turning over to face him, gazing affectionately into his glowing red eyes.

"Why do you look at me like that?" "Like what?" "Like I'm a young man honored to have you in my grasp." "Don't put yourself down just because you're not young anymore." She said it lightly but he groaned and sat up, grabbing his clothes from the floor and slipping back into them while she sat up in all her naked glory.

"Why are you so unsure of yourself?" He turned back, eyes briefly falling on her hickey marked breasts, before looking into her eyes. She didn't like the look they held, it was as if he was going away on a long trip and was about to say goodbye. 

"'re a wonderful girl, you deserve so much better then me. You deserve someone who'll be there when you've grown old and bent. Not someone who'll be gone before you." She threw off the covers and stomped up to him, brown eyes blazing with fury. "Is that was this is about? The age gap between us?" Though she was a head shorter she glared at him while her fists were clenched at her side.

"I want you to listen when I say this and you better pray to never forget it; I don't care whether the whole world's against us or everyone's supportive, whether we die together or I go to your funeral, you've held my attention since the moment I saw you and you've liked me for longer." She held her hand so that he saw the ring. "Look at this, the ring you gave me the night you busted my brother and I out of jail. Why'd you give me the sultan's ring?" Surprise flickered across his face. "Yeah, you think I didn't know that? I known my kingdom history, this ring's been in the royal family for years and you got it from the sultan, I don't know how, and gave it to me." Her hands fell back to her sides.

"If you gave something that precious to me, wouldn't it have meant something?" The silence that settled was suffocating. He paused before resting a gentle palm on her cheek, she drew in a slow shakey breath as tears began leaking from her eyes, he gently wiped some away with his thumb. Slowly, a soft smile came to his lips.

"Why must you women be so irresistible when you cry?" She smiled before throwing herself upon him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder. He was still at first unsure how to take such tender emotion, before gently hugging her back, weaving his fingers through her hair.

"My dear Lamia," he breathed when they parted, "who do I have to ask for permission to court you?" She smiled before curling an innocent finger around his beard. "Why not keep it a secret for a little while?" "How long?" She smiled before slipping a hand behind his neck, gently pulling his head down to her level. "However long is needed." He smiled before sliding his lips onto hers as they stood there for a moment, enjoying the others company. 

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