Desire Unchained

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Lamia had been brushing her hair, smiling stupidly at the thought of her getting married. It was a little daydream she had held onto since she was little, and over the years she had perfected it. She'd wear a simple white dress with a bright colored piece of metal framing her waist, jewelry on her wrists and dears, and she'd be smiling...oh how big her smile would be, lit with the thought of the possibilities ahead. And at the altar would be a man, the love of her life who'd move mountains just to be with her. But the daydream was different this time; in all the years she had let it play out the man never had an exact face, but this time she was gazing up at a perfectly sinister smile, a pair of captivating eyes...

She shook her head, eyes flying open only to see her cheeks were flushed in the mirror. "No more marriage thoughts for today, definitely not." Lura seemed to giggle under her breath before sliding into her basket and towards easy slumber. Lamia smiled at the reptile before running her fingers through her hair. They're such calm animals, snakes, so calm and collected. Upon remembering Jafar had said something rather similar to this she shook her head. "No, don't think about him, whatever you do don't think about him." Almost instantly his smug grin popped into her mind and she groaned in annoyance while clutching the sides of her head. "Why can't I stop thinking about him?"

"About who?" She sat up and saw a figure in the corner of the room, as she stood and turned around he stepped out and she frowned. "No one you need to concern yourself with." Jafar grinned, she noticed Iago wasn't perched on his shoulder. "Are you sure? I might be able to...ease your suffering." His eyes darted to hers, gleaming like a tiger that had cornered a baby deer, she gulped but refused to let him see her slowly rising fear.

"What are you doing here?" His smile faded to a faint regret, the kind that was most likely false.
"I regret to tell you your brother is missing." Her anger disintegrated on the spot. "What do you mean he's missing? People don't just disappear into thin air." He arched a curious brow at her, as if he were a father dealing with a temperamental child. "Yours has, he went off to woo the princess and hasn't been seen since." Now fear was starting to kick alive inside her. "When was the last time you saw him?" "You know very well we haven't talked since his entrance." And she knew he was right.

"But...he's can't just be...gone." She could feel the familiar pangs of fear and slight guilt were starting to eat away at her. Why doesn't Aladdin ever have this problem? The thought slipped from her mind like sand through fingers as she staggered back against the vanity. "Tell the guards to start looking for him, I don't want them to rest until he's found." Slight sobs choked up her voice as tears began to gather at the corners of both eyes, Jafar bowed his head slightly and went to the door, she wanted to be alone and wanted to hear the door shut behind him. Only to hear the lock slide shut.

"I think not." She stood and turned around at the older man's voice. "What? What do you...mean...?" Her protests died off upon seeing his eyes, they were alive with a foreign yet familiar fire, she froze as he began advancing towards her. "I'm not stupid Lamia, I know exactly who you've been thinking about." A grin crept to his face at 'exactly,' she gulped in an attempt to moisten her dry throat.

"You know, the guards aren't going to be looking for anyone any time soon, and everyone else has retired for the night." It took her a moment to realize what he was saying, then the answer hit her like a slap to the face. They were alone together, her body froze with a strong feeling. Not fear, something else entirely. And she kinda liked it.

"Have you ever...been with a man before Lamia?" For a brief second she was sassy all over again. "No, men think seventeen year olds are too old to sleep with, I couldn't tempt a guy even if I had any years of experience." He practically slammed his hands down on either side of her, pinning her to the vanity and starling her in the process. "I'm not exactly a young boy, so we're both even with that." Her fear jumped back to life.

"Look Jafar, I think you're very fascinating but if Aladdin found out-" "He won't find out, I know because you won't tell him, and neither will I." Before it could register in her he grabbed her shoulders in an iron grip and slammed his lips onto hers in a kiss that sent her reeling. It only lasted for a moment but when he pulled back she was gasping for breath.

"You planned this." It wasn't a question. "Maybe..." He said the single word slowly, trailing one finger down the front of her chest 'til it rested above her breasts. "But...let's not talk about that shall we?" And with unbelievable speed he jerked the top so it dangled at her waist and latched on to one of the perky nipples, sucking and biting like there was no tomorrow.

She cried out sharply, hands instantly flying to his shoulders in an attempt to push him away only to find herself gripping them and moaning as his teeth shamelessly raked over the sensitive patch of skin before turning to the other, his hands just as harsh at handling her young assets. By now her cheeks had grown flushed and small smile darted across her lips as she looked down with fluttering eyelids at the man aptly enjoying her skin. She found with each hickey that pulsed on her made her feel more alive then anything she ever dreamed, and she loved it.

His lips slowed a little and drifted downwards, grazing over her stomach and towards her waist, the lightness of his lips made her body come alive with butterflies, his beard tickling her skin. She gasped as his teeth claimed the edge of her waistline and only had to tug at it before it fell to the floor in a puddle of soft silk. His lips barely grazed up her inner thigh causing her to gasp and yearn for his touch even more, when she looked down she found him gazing back up with burning eyes laced with tender concern.

"You know there's no going back after this right?" She smiled and knelt to his level, resting a gentle palm of his warm cheek. "If I really wanted this to stop, wouldn't I have kicked you out by now?" He paused, before grinning lustfully, one she easily reflected. Sweeping her up bridal style, he carried her to the bed where he laid her down and returned his attention to her neck, she seemed to sigh before crossing her palms across his upper back, holding him close. This time when his lips drifted downwards he barely paused before biting down on the tip, savoring her warm folds and the liquid dripping from her core. 

She seemed to squeal and sigh at the same time while squeezing his shoulders with newfound hunger, the fact that someone could walk in one them made it so much more thrilling, she found she loved it completely. As he continued to nip and bite at her pink pearl she manged to slip a hand beneath his robes, fingertips grazing over his skin for the first time. Sensing her growing excitement, he sat back to remove his clothing while she watched with a slight smile. He wasn't the most fit man she had ever seen but she found she didn't mind, and her attention was focused on the large package standing erect in between his thighs. "Might I play with it?" She asked in her sweetest voice, he chuckled before laying her down on her back. "Maybe another night, tonight's about you." She gasped faintly in awe before he clamped his lips down on female flower, sucking and gently tugging until she came in his mouth. She was gasping only for a little while before he plunged into her wet core without a second thought.

She screamed out, falling silent as his boney hand slipped over her mouth, the screams soon died down replaced instead by yelps of indescribable desire. Tears were slipping from her eyes at the painful loss of her virgin flower but her mouth was open and bellowing pleasured yelps, her hands gripping his backside so hard her knuckles were white and blood began to well up. He grunted before quickly picking up his pace, she tilted her head back with a yell as he went in and out of her maiden body, not so much a maiden anymore. The smell of sex and desert heat made them both dizzy in the head as their desires steered them down a now familiar passionate path. Her tears were soon streaks on her cheeks as she looked her animal of a lover in the eye.

"Fuck me harder Jafar, fuck me until I'm screaming for Allah!!" He was more then happy to oblige, giving that one last thrust that sent them both screaming.         

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