Haunting Eyes

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"What do you think Lamia?" She didn't move, head propped on one palm and eyes showing all signs of daydreaming. "Lamia!" She jumped. "Huh?" Everyone was looking at her, Aladdin rolled his eyes. "I said do you think I should tell Jasmine the truth." "I don't know, you do whatever you want to." Genie arched a skeptical brow.

"Lamia, what's wrong with you? You're not the type to daydream until we actually have something substantial to eat." She casually shrugged, standing up from her spot leaning against the tree. "A girl can daydream can't she? We all have dreams at least once in our lives." Genie grinned mischievously. "Especially if the daydream happens to be about a certain sweetheart." She stopped midstep, cheeks reddening.

"My sister in love? Not likely, now if you'll excuse me I have a princess to woo." And the street rat turned prince hopped on Carpet and flew off towards Jasmine's balcony. Lamia watched him go with an arched brow. "You know, for once I'm actually glad he can be so ignorant at times." "So..." Genie floated up, she looked at him for a moment before sighing with a roll of her eyes. "Fine yes, there might be this...boy." She was careful not to say man.

"Remember, I can't make anyone fall in love." "Yeah I know but," she twirled around a little, "he's wise and, alluring and..." "Cute?" "Gorgeous!" The blue being playfully rolled his eyes. "He's got this way of talking to me, and his smile and his eyes.." She sighed dreamily. "Oh his eyes...they're the most perfect pair of eyes in the world." "So spill; who is he?" That's when reality crashed down on her.

"Well um ahem...that might be a problem actually." He raised a careful brow. "It's um...Jafar, the ahem, the Sultan's vizier." There was a brief pause, before Genie's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!?!" She was blown away by his yell, shushing him softly so that the rest of tangent was in a stage whisper.

"You-what-when did this happen?!" It accrued to her this was the kind of conversation she would've had with her mother. "I-I think it started when we first talked in the throne room. After Aladdin had flown in? He...looked at me in a way I was so used to avoiding I didn't think much of it at first." "Has he made a move yet?" Her guilty silence was all the answer he needed.

"You kissed him? What if he raped you Lamia, did you guys go any farther?" "Oh no, no of course not!" She waved her arms to match her franticly shaking head. "But at some point I kinda...wanted to." His jaw dropped again. "And this happened when?" "About half an hour ago." "And this has been festering for what, one day? You're really pushing it you know that." She hung her head guiltily.

"I know." He paused, she fiddled with her fingers. "Look, I'm not asking for your approval, just that you'll keep it a secret, okay?" She looked at him. "Can I count on you to do that?" He sighed, rubbing his temple before looking back at her desperate eyes. "I'll do my best." She squealed slightly before hugging him, he paused before smiling and gently patting her back.

"You know Al's gonna kill Jafar when he finds out right?" "That's for you to know and me to figure out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have romantic issue to solve and you have to make sure my brother doesn't get in any trouble." And with a laugh, they both departed to take care of business. 

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