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     Serving coffee wasn't exactly how Hwiyoung wanted to spend his last day with Chanho, but he didn't have much of a choice. He promised the older that after his shift they could do whatever he wanted. He had made it through a majority of his shift before things became problematic.

"Excuse me, I asked for a caramel latte. This is a mocha." A sassy, thin girl said placing the cup down and her hands on her hips. Dawon cringed at the girl's voice.

"That's great because I heard you say mocha. And I repeated it back to you. And you approved. And you payed for it." Hwiyoung said, tapping the register. She glared at him and scoffed. Chanho laughed from his spot a few feet away.

"Clearly you didn't. This isn't what I ordered. Get me what I ordered." She spat out at him. Hwiyoung went to open his mouth but was cut off by Dawon.

"Miss, do you have your receipt? If you can prove that you did indeed order a caramel then we can give it to you free of charge." He said, pushing the younger boy away so he would snap at the girl.

"I threw the receipt away. Why would I keep it?" She groaned. She was getting very annoyed, but so were the boys.

"Then your only other options are drink the latte we gave you, or buy another one." Dawon said. He was desperately trying to keep his cool.

"I'm not going to pay for another drink when you fucked up the first one!" She shouted. Everyone in the cafe turned to look at them. Dawon's fake smile melted away to reveal a scowl.

"Sweetheart, either you take the damn drink you have, or buy another one. Whichever one you choose, you better be out that door in two minutes. Take your pick." He gestured to the front of the cafe. She rolled her eyes, picked up her drink, and walked out of the building. Chanho approached them slowly.

"Is it safe to come over here? Is someone gonna yell at me?" He asked. Dawon's smile returned but it was genuine this time.

"As long as your satisfied with your beverage, you're fine." He said and let out a heavy sigh.




Are you doing anything later?

ill be seeing channie off from the station at like 4 but not after that

Do you want to do something


We could go to the park

We can invite the other guys if you want

no its fine

You sure


i wanna go on the swings :)

That sounds good

ill text you when i leave the station

See you then


After finally seeing the movie they said they would at the beginning of the week and having one last meal with Mrs. Kim and Mina, the boys were sat on a bench at the train station.

     "How are you feeling?" Chanho asked. He placed his hand on the other's knee and looked over at him.

     "Strange. You're going to be gone again." Hwiyoung responded. He shivered a little and Chanho scooted closer, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

     "You'll be fine. You have your friends. Remember, three meals a day." He said, making Hwiyoung laugh. They say there, silent for a minute. "Promise me one thing."

     Hwiyoung turned to him and looked him in the eyes. He was scared of what was coming.

     "Tell him the truth. You said you didn't know. I know you do. Admit it. You love him." Chanho said. He took the younger's hands.

"I guess I do. I don't know. I'm just..."


"Scared to admit it. I have feelings for him, yeah. But... love." Hwiyoung cringed at the word, but he couldn't deny the flipping of his stomach. "Maybe."

     The train pulled up and Chanho grabbed his backpack. He stood and Hwiyoung followed.

     "I told you. I know you, Youngkyunie. You're scared. Don't be. Text me, alright?" He said and have him a hug. Hwiyoung nodded and watched as Chanho waved while getting on the train. A minute after the train pulled away and his heart calmed down, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Taeyang.

word count: 717

sorry it's short. When will I stop apologizing and just write longer chapters oof

hello the formatting is garbage but I'm on mobile and I hate it sorry. I'll fix it on like... Friday night? so expect me to republish a bunch of chapters then if not sooner


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