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It's Chibi Kyo and Rika from my new(ish) story, Smile

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It's Chibi Kyo and Rika from my new(ish) story, Smile. (Every single time I say the title I think of Black Butler Book of Circus)
You may be wondering, why I would put these two drawings together. One, I just feel like it. And two, some characters will be making an appearance in Smile and I just so happened to only have art of one of them.

But anyway, have any of you guys watched Full Metal Alchemist, because I looooove it way to much at the moment.

But anyway, have any of you guys watched Full Metal Alchemist, because I looooove it way to much at the moment

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Just look at how awesome my boy Roy Mustang is

Just look at how awesome my boy Roy Mustang is

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Or how adorable Alphonse is. He's blushing and everything!

 He's blushing and everything!

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Then we have Ed, being... himself

Oh there's also Winry and Hughes being cute as well

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Oh there's also Winry and Hughes being cute as well.

Ok, I'll stop now, bye!

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