Heather, heather and heather

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This is a redraw of a drawing I did when I first got my drawing tablet

According to my phone, I originally drew it on the 28th of December last year

And almost seven months later

She bacc

But better


That's the original

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That's the original

And yikes time to complain about it all
I'm gonna start by mentioning that this was drawn using a teeny tiny canvas size so that the brush that I usually use for the line art of drawings like this:

And yikes time to complain about it allI'm gonna start by mentioning that this was drawn using a teeny tiny canvas size so that the brush that I usually use for the line art of drawings like this:

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Appeared much thicker when I drew on that one

Let's see

What to complain about

How about we start with their bodies
It's very clear that I didn't even try to draw a basic skeleton for them or anything like that

McNamara's shoulders are really small
Chandler just looks a bit odd
And honestly Duke has the best (even if it isn't very great) anatomy of them all

Now let's go to colouring and shading:
It's very clear that I did shading on the same layer as the colour without having locked opacity because there are areas that aren't there and you can see the background

And another thing about the shading, I'm certain I used the airbrush for it and it just doesn't look good

Now the hair:
Ugh it looks gross
The colour choices (mainly for my queen McNamara) look gross

In fact, overall the colour choices are bad
They're all fully saturated versions of the colours rather than slightly duller ones

Next, the line art:
It's too thick for my liking and very sketchy looking
I suppose that I wasn't used to drawing with pristine lines and I don't think that I knew what the hecc a line stabiliser was

I also didn't colour the line art
(I've been doing that a lot recently, it makes the drawing look softer)

the only thing I even remotely like about it is the eyes

But even then I've improved (and still changing because I'm never happy with how I draw eyes)

Now the recent one:



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What do I do


Gimme a moment

Oki I cropped it it might just work

Oki I cropped it it might just work

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Aaaa I like it so much more
I just like it a lot in general

I don't think I need to say why I like it

I also can't be bothered

So bai

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