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Whilst I haven't done today's or yesterday's inktober drawings yet

I did something cool today so it doesn't matter

But yea I think I've got an art dump for y'all

I don't know how many new non-inktober drawings I've done since the last one

Let's see

Oh ok I have like two

That might be inaccurate that was the first thing I said let me look

Oh ok it's three drawings and one special thing

Never mind make that four drawings and one special thing

And the drawings are all Steven Universe

And the drawings are all Steven Universe

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Lapis!!! I love her!!! Baby!!!

Connie!!! I also love!!! Baby too!!!

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Connie!!! I also love!!! Baby too!!!

Also that was my last drawing on paint tool sai


You were a good drawing program

But clip studio paint is better


Also baby

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Also baby

Bigger baby

First piece of fan art on clip studio paint but liek the... forth drawing overall


Lapidot is like my favourite Steven Universe ship like how are these two so cute

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Lapidot is like my favourite Steven Universe ship like how are these two so cute

Especially my gremlin Dorito

We love the gremlin Dorito

Oh special thing now!

So I did this today instead of inktober but that doesn't matter lol

I'm really happy about it

(Even if one of the frames is weird for some unknown reason)

That's right

You heard me


Y'know what that means?

it's mainly just a gif and it's super simple but it's the first animation I've done

(That animation I did in year 8 in IT on Flash using the mouse is quacking (I meant quaking but that works too))

(It was about an evil octopus (inspired by Koro Sensei) and super guy)

(It t'was awful)


By "one of the frames is messed up" I mean part of Kimi's hair just

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By "one of the frames is messed up" I mean part of Kimi's hair just...

It's just...


Well no matter what this will never be as good as that gif of Nimbus that I showed the teacher who ran Japanese club

I think Nimbus is still mad at me for that

Oh and I was gonna add blood to the animation to make it spoopier but I forgot

I was trying to figure out how to save it lol

Oh I have one more special thing for y'all
Drawn by not I

But the guy who sits next to me in computer science

Using the most superior drawing program

Microsoft paint

Microsoft paint

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That's what I'm ending this on


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