My dudes

17 0 0

School was cancelled again


That's so wild

Three extra days off

And that's excluding next Wednesday



So this will be a character in cursedShe looks pretty radAnd maybe a bit spoopy too

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So this will be a character in cursed
She looks pretty rad
And maybe a bit spoopy too

But whatever I named her after another book character

Her name Lyra


Maxi from beating hearts was originally called Lyra but then I changed it

Oh speaking of books, Red Queen memes are so funny you don't understand

For example (I had to search for one that would make sense without context)

For example (I had to search for one that would make sense without context)

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Anyway aRT!!

The protags of Cursed are all officially designed (instead of just Eva)

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The protags of Cursed are all officially designed (instead of just Eva)

Top left is Cas
Top right is Eva
Bottom left is Cassie
Bottom right is Hunter

And the Eva one is a past drawing but


I was originally gonna do a character sheet with that one being Eva's in it but I gave up after her

But UwU Cas is so cute

Cassie's cute too

I had to remind myself that Cassie isn't a pristine character or whatever

She runs away
She literally encourages Hunter to snoop around
It's hinted that she misbehaves in class and rarely does her homework

So ya


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