I'm like pretty proud of this

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Don't get me wrong, I've been proud of my Kirishima drawings I've been doing

But they didn't have anything I wasn't used to

A big part of all of them was facial expressions and that's one of the things I think I'm better at

The main thing I suck at is foreshortening

If you don't know what that is I'll explain

Take this picture for example (she says, not yet having a picture to use):

Take this picture for example (she says, not yet having a picture to use):

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There we go it's my baby

But like as you can see, as the arm gets closer, it gets bigger, which is why his hand looks so big.

It also makes the arm look shorter as well

Some examples of it going horrifically for me include:

Some examples of it going horrifically for me include:

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(This one isn't awful, but it's not the best either)

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(This one isn't awful, but it's not the best either)

(And whilst I consider this arm to be absolutely horrific, at least Reeve Carney liked it)

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(And whilst I consider this arm to be absolutely horrific, at least Reeve Carney liked it)

But today it turned out alright

I rewatched a video about it and used a different sketching process to what I usually do and this was the result:

UwUAlso, I used a different layer type called a "vector layer" and basically it made the line art so much easier to do and maybe even better looking

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Also, I used a different layer type called a "vector layer" and basically it made the line art so much easier to do and maybe even better looking

We got the thicker areas of the line art and it looks nearer than it usually does for me

She also just looks adorable



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