Pride month!

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It's June, aka lgbtq+ Pride month

So considering I have quite a few lgbt characters I decided to do a drawing for it

Before you say anything

I know there are only girls

But my two lgbt boys are either not introduced to their story or it hasn't been made clear that they are in the lgbt community

I have two alternative versions of the drawing so here they are now

I have two alternative versions of the drawing so here they are now

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The only difference is that in the top one they decided to paint the word pride on the wall and get paint all over themselves

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The only difference is that in the top one they decided to paint the word pride on the wall and get paint all over themselves

If you don't know who's who, I'll go through the characters now

This is Kimi:

The one with the bun is Cho and the other is Mari:

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The one with the bun is Cho and the other is Mari:

The one at the top is Lauren, and the two dancing are Maxi and Chloe (Maxi - Bi, Chloe - Pan):

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The one at the top is Lauren, and the two dancing are Maxi and Chloe (Maxi - Bi, Chloe - Pan):

The one at the top is Lauren, and the two dancing are Maxi and Chloe (Maxi - Bi, Chloe - Pan):

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The one with purple hair on the floor is Kyo:

The one with purple hair on the floor is Kyo:

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And finally we have Kasumi at the end

I really like it, it turned out really cute

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I really like it, it turned out really cute

I've had this idea for months actually and was just waiting for this month to do it

Also this took a long time

Like several hours
I spent over 2 hours on it today (doing shading and other details)
Yesterday I did the sketch, line art and some of the colouring in one 41/2 (ish) hour session
And then finished off the colouring yesterday in another maybe 2 hour session

So like
Around 81/2 hours

Which is a lot for me Jesus Christ

And that's just an estimate

It could be a little more or less

Let's also mention how this is the first time I've drawn Lauren accurately first try and it's not even art work for the story
Like look at this

She's got freckles (even if they're kinda difficult to see) she's got her burn and she's even got that weird stitched up cut that I added for no real reason

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She's got freckles (even if they're kinda difficult to see) she's got her burn and she's even got that weird stitched up cut that I added for no real reason

She's really cute in this picture tho
I knew I wanted one character hanging upside down

And I was actually planning to add someone with a flag like a cape (like Lauren's is) pretending to be a super hero (I planned for that to be Kyo originally) but the sketching process was taking a lot of time as it was so I just left it how it is now


Have y'all seen the latest AOT episode

It's super sad

Like Jesus

But something is telling me that when the English dub comes out, it isn't going to be anywhere near as good at the Japanese

Oki that's all bye

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