Stoof Part 2

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I've decided that the whole sibling AU thing I started will be named stoof when it comes to uploading the drawings

The most recent one is not quite a sibling AU
I mean it is
But along with the sibling
Comes the whole family

I drew my character Lauren and Jason (from Falsettos) as siblings

And because Falsettos focuses so much on the family in the show, I wanna eventually draw Lauren with some of the other characters

Anyone who follows my art/weeb account on Instagram is gonna be ashamed of me for part of this drawing

It's cute, I love itBut I stole Jason's pose from a different drawing of Jason I did earlierI just gave him eyes and recoloured him so the colouring would match with what I did with LaurenAlso I know Lauren doesn't have her burns but in this unive...

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It's cute, I love it
But I stole Jason's pose from a different drawing of Jason I did earlier
I just gave him eyes and recoloured him so the colouring would match with what I did with Lauren
Also I know Lauren doesn't have her burns but in this universe I can't think of a reason why'd she'd have them. There are no soulmates and no magic so yea

(^^ That's the Jason drawing I did earlier)

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(^^ That's the Jason drawing I did earlier)

Also I shaded Jason's skin first and Lauren (Because she has a paler skin tone anyway) looked like a ghost

Also I shaded Jason's skin first and Lauren (Because she has a paler skin tone anyway) looked like a ghost

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She looks almost white


I did this with Michael and Kyo so I'm gonna do it with them

Let's go into some details about their relationship (as well as some of the other characters from Falsettos)

So expect some Falsettos spoilers

Oh also

I suppose because everyone else in the family is Jewish, Lauren would be too so she had to deal with all the bickering between their parents about her (I know it's not Bar Mitzvah for girls but I can't remember what it is I haven't done RE in almost a year. I'll go google it) Bat Mitzvah

So let's see

Lauren & Jason:
They would be quite close
Lauren's about three years older than Jason but not even that much taller
Lauren just watches and laughs when Jason says he doesn't want a bar mitzvah because she did the exact same thing
Same thing with Jason going to the psychiatrist except she never did go in the end
They both play chess with each other all the time
Both think chess is beautiful
Both think girls are beautiful
When Lauren realised she likes girls, she came out to Jason fifth


The one I'm really excited to write about

Lauren & Whizzer (Because Whizzer's my favourite character):
They'll often end up cooking together
They probably tried to bake once and almost burned down the house
She came out to Whizzer second
Both of them complain about Marvin together
They go watch baseball games together (with Jason)
Whizzer taught Lauren and Jason to play baseball
Best dad in Lauren's eyes

Lauren & Marvin:
"My father's a homo" - Jason
"Well so is your sister" - Marvin
Lauren probably likes Whizzer more than her own father (Marvin)
They're both so sarcastic to each other it's scary
Marvin taught her to play chess
Since then, Lauren got too good at chess and can now crush him at it
Despite their not so positive relationship, she came out to Marvin fourth (out of seven) (we'll get to first & third etc in a bit)
After Marvin and Whizzer's break up she would secretly contact Whizzer behind his back and one time she almost got caught
Worst dad

Lauren & Trina:
Both agree that the men of the family are... questionable at times
"I'm breaking down" - Trina
"Mood" - Lauren
Lauren came out to her last
"Jason, please see a psychiatrist" - Trina
"Why? I didn't, and I turned out okay" - Lauren
"*to herself* debatable" - Trina
Trina does her best to make Lauren a bit more lady like but it doesn't really happen

Lauren & Mendel:
When Lauren realised she likes girls, she actually came out to Mendel first because she needed advice on how to come out to everyone else
Mendel's probably second best dad
Both insecure
"Everyone hates his parents" - Mendel to Jason
"I know right..." - Lauren

Lauren & The lesbians from next door (Charlotte & Cordelia):
Came out to them third
"I think I like girls" - Lauren
"Join the squad sweetheart" - The lesbians
Lauren's extremely inspired by Charlotte and wants to be a doctor like her
When they're free, they'll pick Lauren up from school so everyone thinks they're her mums
"Have you got two mums? Cause I see them pick you up after school sometimes" - Random Student
"Nope. Got three dads though. And my biological one is probably my least favourite" - Lauren
"Oh" - Random Student

It actually all sounds really fun and I'm so so so ready to do more drawings for it.

It's just cute

And funny

And I love it

I was right

My best ideas do come to me when I'm half asleep

This is longer than most of the random rants chapters

Oh well

It's context for the art


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