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So school's closed today

Which is super rad

Like thank god that pipe burst or whatever

I'm in my pyjamas watching Joseph Anderson's final persona stream and it's pretty rad

Just monched on a ham sandwich

But that's irrelevant rn

I just drew Lucky cause I decided I will eventually add her to Cursed giving me an excuse to draw her

And as the title suggests


Like her original design was cute at the time but looking back on it I was like

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Like her original design was cute at the time but looking back on it I was like...

Eh... it's alright I guess

Like this is what she used to look like and I can understand why past me found her cute

Like this is what she used to look like and I can understand why past me found her cute

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But I like the most recent drawing more

Also apparently the dragon in that drawing was gonna be named Casper and I just kinda made the realisation that the idea for cursed was created before the idea for Lucky's original story I planned to write for her

Yeah Lucky's was gonna have stuff about different blood and things like that tho it was pretty different from Cursed's story line



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