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I'm sorry about the title

I'm losing my sanity

I've got school again on Monday


basically I don't wanna rant in here I have the remaining 40 ish chapters of Random Rants for that lolol

I've got... 4 drawings for you

Let's start with the uncoloured line art ones I did the other day

Or not that's what happens when you forget to do a white layer underneath the art

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Or not that's what happens when you forget to do a white layer underneath the art

One sec

Much better

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Much better

Now I can actually see the line art

Oh I stan Kasumi

You know who else I stan?

It should be obvious

She's one of my favourite characters of mine and is also in one of my OTPs

I'll give you a chance to guess

(Idk comment your guesses I wanna see who you think it'll be)


It was pretty obvious

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It was pretty obvious

The next one I mentioned on Random Rants.

It's the drawing of Mai that looks like Kaede

Luckily she has a blue colour scheme rather than a pinkish purple colour scheme

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Luckily she has a blue colour scheme rather than a pinkish purple colour scheme.

Yes that's a cut around her neck
She is described to have one around her neck

Need proof?

I'll give ya proof

I'll give ya proof

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And finally a pic of my queen Makoto

Another character who I stan

I literally named this drawing "anothermakotodrawing

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I literally named this drawing "anothermakotodrawing.png" so Yeah

I also decided to make her hair a bit lighter cause I think it looked better

I was trying out a new style for the eyes and omg I love how shiny they look


I love her shiny eyes and freckles

I love her shiny eyes and freckles

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Oh she's just sooooo adorable

I'd just like to address the fact that I'm the only one who knows all that happens to Makoto

As it's stated in the first chapter that she gets stabbed

In like a flash forward or something

So yeah

I'm the only one who know who did it and why they did it

Well Anime_and_gaming_fan knows a bit

I did tell her some things but a lot she doesn't know about

Like a character I've planned out that won't be in the story for a while

This is gonna be a long Wattpad story

Oki bye

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