Ok so either people thought this was just cool or they have good taste in books

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The other day

I did a MareCal (Mare x Cal) from Red Queen drawing

And it's now my most liked post on Instagram

I didn't even think it was that cool

I was like


It's alright"

I didn't think I portrayed Cal the best because I didn't know what outfit to give him, I was worried about his skin tone, I saw people draw his hair in different ways etc etc

To put it simply
I thought it would flop

But nah

People are still liking it

(Damn I've been ranting about it but I haven't even shown y'all it yet)

Like, I feel weird saying that it doesn't feel like anything particularly special to me because so many people seemed to like it

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Like, I feel weird saying that it doesn't feel like anything particularly special to me because so many people seemed to like it


My mind is just


And then I got an Eri drawing
Cause I love Eri with all my heart

And then I got an Eri drawingCause I love Eri with all my heart

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It didn't take too long or anything

But the next drawing is something that I started working on over six hours
And my laptop crashed in the process
(Fortunately clip studio paint basically auto saves so I didn't lose much)

But I did one of those art style challenges

But I did one of those art style challenges

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