It rained earlier and I got way too excited but shh

14 1 0

It's been SO
Unbearably fucking hot

That I've just

But hey I went to pizza express for lunch earlier

That was surreal
We sat outside but even so
I haven't eaten at a restaurant since before quarantine started


Starting with a rare piece of fan art
Because I've been doing less and less fan art ever since I started posting my OC drawings on Instagram

Starting with a rare piece of fan art Because I've been doing less and less fan art ever since I started posting my OC drawings on Instagram

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Tis Setsuna (the protagonist) from love letter
She looks real cute
Would die for her even tho she's a yandere

And next is

Drumroll please

AND PEGGY!I don't hate thisI could be happier with itLikeI don't Think I did PeggyJustice

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I don't hate this
I could be happier with it
I don't
Think I did Peggy

But like UwU I guess

Next is
Not a surprise at all
I mean she had to be in this chapter at some point

That's right folks

EvaY'all shouldn't be surprised ok

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Y'all shouldn't be surprised ok

I'm actually doing a DTIYS with this on instagram
So far I've had
One (1) person submit something for it but ngl I wasn't expecting anyone to so that's a start

But yeah
Cute I guess

However this next Eva one is actually cute
You may have seen a picture of this pink dress with strawberries on it going around
And lots of people have been drawing characters wearing it
So I

However this next Eva one is actually cuteYou may have seen a picture of this pink dress with strawberries on it going aroundAnd lots of people have been drawing characters wearing itSo I

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Did the same
The strawberries were a nightmare tho

And finally
The latest addition to the pride flag characters
If you haven't seen the latest text chats (first of all, do that, they make me giggle) you may not know that I added a new character to the group

So first it was

Lydia (lesbian), Gerald (gay), Blair (bi), Tilly and Taylor (trans), Perry (pan), Angel (ace), Ariel (aro) and Nemo (nb)

We have the addition of Quinn

I mentioned my plan to add Quinn to Anime_and_gaming_fan about a week ago

Who takes after Gerald's original design (oh yeah, I plan to redesign Gerald a lot)

So Quinn represents Queer
They are also genderqueer

And basically
Gerald's original design was based off of the rainbow flag
But that's becoming less of a gay flag and more of a whole community flag
And I do know that there is a queer flag

But it looks vaguely like one of the nonce (p*dophile) flags

So I chose the inclusive pride flag as my base for Quinn

So I chose the inclusive pride flag as my base for Quinn

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This being the flag

It was made bc there are still transphobic/racist people in the community so yea

But here's Quinn

I love them!Lemme explain some of my design choicesIt's clear what the rainbow hair and desaturated rainbow shirt represents

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I love them!
Lemme explain some of my design choices
It's clear what the rainbow hair and desaturated rainbow shirt represents

The eyes were supposed to look more blue and pink but the pink looks very slightly red

There's also blue and pink earrings

And I originally tried to make the main part of the hair look more black but in the end I suppose the jumper represents the black stripe more

and obviously the brown stripe is represented by their skin tone

It was actually gonna be a drawing of Cameron originally but then it didn't look much like her so I changed what I had of the sketch to make a new character
Said character being Quinn

Anyway I love them bye

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