I havent drawn these lads together yet soo... here!

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I drew Evie, Cameron and Robin together cause I haven't yet

I knew I wanted to draw Cameron today but I didn't know what the drawing should actually be

But y'know
Now I've got it

Yes Robin is wearing a skirt

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Yes Robin is wearing a skirt

Cause 👏 non 👏 binary 👏 people 👏 don't 👏 have 👏 to 👏 be 👏 androgynous 👏


I have so many headcanons now bc of this one drawing

So I'm gonna mention them here

1) the only reason Cam and Robin have any self esteem is bc Evie's frequently complimenting them
2) they'll go shopping as a lil group sometimes and if Robin buys anything that they're worried their parents might get suspicious of, Cam takes it home and puts it in a special spot cause Robin is out to Cam's parents
3) when shay was still "alive" (I say it like that cause he is actually still alive) he and his friends (Emma and Phil) would occasionally go shopping with Cam and Robin (cause they only became friends with Evie after shay's "death")
4) umm I don't actually have anymore

But I probably will eventually knowing me


Bye bye

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