I literally only have one more drawing since last chapter but oh well

25 1 0

But I like it so it doesn't matter

I drew the character "Cameron" who I initially showed off last chapter again

So I officially decided that she lives in England cause she has a school uniform
And because she's 17 it means she's in sixth form which is I guess the UK equivalent of American high school though it's a fair bit different but that's not the point
She's also in one of those sixth forms that make you wear uniform so that must suck for her

I've got two versions of the drawing, one is the drawing by itself and the other has annotations on it

So some information linked to those annotations:
Shay is her dead older brother
Dylan is her best friend

So here's the one with all the annotations:

So here's the one with all the annotations:

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Oh she's also tiny

Keeping up the theme of short protagonists


All my protagonists except Rika, Suki and like maybe Fuguai are short

We got Cameron
Mitsuha (in case closed she's a protag)

So yea

Short protagonists

I live for them

Eh I can't be bothered to show the drawing without all the annotations

K bye

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