chapter 04

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late night meetings and flaming beards. '


"Good morning, everyone!" a bubbly greeting travels throughout the expanse of the expansive classroom and an effervescent Akihisa Yuko strolls in, tie loose and hair tied to a messy rendition of a ponytail.

"It's already ten in the morning, Akihisa," Aizawa Shota, homeroom teacher who definitely did not want to deal with all this tedious things that involved the girl at the doorway replied. "Go to your seat."

The girl does a mock salute at the teacher, turns to her classmates, throws a smile at them and heads to her seat. The blond from yesterday—Baekugo or whatever— grumbles under his breath again and Yuko knows it's just an insult and the boy probably didn't know how to say a compliment so she just shrugs it off in a Yuko-esque manner and starts rummaging through her bag for objects befitting for the subject.

"It's Math time, isn't it?" Yuko whispers to her seat mate and a blue haired boy with glasses chastises her for talking and answering afterwards that it was Social Studies time. Yuko mumbles an apology and starts listening to the lecture. She's learned all this last year but Yuko is a natural sloth and her best talent is being unproductive and stupid, so she forgot all these lessons.

Besides, her part time jobs had not begun yet so she had ample amount of sleep and she decided that it was better to learn everything while she can before she's thrown back to Middle School.

When the chime bell rings, signaling the beginning of lunchtime, Yuko has encountered her first social dilemma. ( Not really. ) She realizes that she doesn't know who to sit with during lunch and despite her bubbly and endearing personality, she thinks that it might be quite rude to just butt in on the groups the class have painstakingly established during their past weeks together.

Releasing a groan, she lines up for the free cafeteria food and even coaxes the lunch hero to give her bigger portions. She scans the table, immediately taking note of her classmates. There was the bicoloured haired boy sitting with no one but himself, the spunky blond with black lightning like highlights that tried to hit on her with a girl who was quite literally hurting him ( eek, Yuko won't interrupt with their romance so there's that),  the freckled greenette with the friendly, big boobed brunette— that was her best choice, but she noticed the blue haired boy who chastised her earlier and she decided that she was better off not sitting there.

Another sigh escapes her lips and she wets her lower lip and deciding that she couldn't find a suitable place, she opts to stay at the rooftop. Yuko lived for drama and as far as lunch settings went, the rooftop was by far the most dramatic place to have it.

She mutters grace before diving in on the supple rice with her chopsticks. The meal is heavy as far as lunch goes and Yuko takes her sweet time eating the side dishes. The clouds have blocked the sun overhead so it's cool and calm.

The meal consisted of ample amounts of rice, fried chicken breast, clear soup with paprika and sprouts, some soy flavored grilled codfish fillet with white scallion shaving garnish (to die for, Yuko's exact words), vinegared cucumber and celery, tofu simmered with dried shiitake mushroom and bamboo shoots. All partnered with half a liter of water she had packed from home.

"— you should be excited. I can't believe we're going to be in such a fiery competition! I'm craving this, man!" a voice trails off and Yuko cranes her neck to see who it is and she's both relieved and confused when a redheaded male, with sharp incisors for teeth nonetheless enters the rooftop following the blond—Baekugo, Bakugay, which is it?— and they seem to be immersed in some talk regarding future matters.

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