chapter 23

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' three tales for the night '


Shigaraki and All For One were back, both clad in dark outfits that contrasted poorly against the golden sun. The light blue hair of his brother was different from Tomoe's and after getting to know the white haired boy, she's learned to adjust to the fear he permeated. Shigaraki, for all his childish antics was very different.

Besides they weren't blood related.

Fourteen hands attached on a thin body, crimson eyes peeking between fingers, chapped lips, Shigaraki Tomura was the living embodiment of a monster. And of course, those who served him, boy and girl, Tomoe and Kaede, were of the same page.

"Glad to be back, Tomoe, Kaede," All For One said primly and both personages nodded as a show of respect. It wasn't surprising that the mentor was even more of a monster.

In the empire of ashes he built, All For One had crafted his throne with bones and blood, honed and strengthened his soldiers with cruelty and lies. And he was smiling pleasantly at Kaede.

"Can I indulge you in a brief conversation, dear?" he asked with a smile that after months, she has been used to.

Bloodred eyes shifted to Tomoe who had engaged in a chat with his older brother. The curiosity in regards to his quirk still struck her so with a cunning smile, Kaede turned to All For One and said, "If you swear to answer a question I've been needing the answer to."

The man didn't have eyes to disband her figure apart but the youth felt an ounce of fear at the cool, calculated aura surrounding the man. "Very well then," he said, lips into a straight line. "What tea would you like?"

"Whatever they have," she responded. "I'm not really dedicated into the whole art of tea drinking."

"I understand," he said and when they entered the living room, they were served with a sort of a shaded green tea. Gyokuro, it was called.

Porcelain teacups filled with shaded green tea, handcrafted Persian rugs, windchimes chiming by the threshold, lampshades as a sort of illumination, the room was an epitome of classic Victorian style. It was also eerily quiet except for the wind chimes by the door so when All For One stopped sipping his tea and focused his attention on her, she fought back a shudder that threatened to traverse on her spine.

"I came to tell you a tale, dear," he says. "Or would you prefer your actual name?"

She doesn't react, maintains the façade of calm on her face and believes that it's real, strong enough to withstand blows from the strongest and scariest of people- even allies.

"What ever seems convenient," Kaede replied and pours five drops of honey on her tea, hoping that she doesn't retch from the unpleasant experience.

"It's about two brothers," Kaede looks up, the familiarity tingling on her spine.

"One with power? One with none?" she questions and she knows, she knows that it is his tale. The powerful brother who waged war against humanity and peace. The origin of the most dangerous man in the world that stemmed back from the creation of quirks.

His lips grew into thinner lines, but he nods at her and he can't mask the amusement from his face. "Tomoe has told you."

Not a question, but a statement, one with no particular emotion that made her formulate five six seven hypotheses on her brain.

She doesn't hesitate to add, "Tomura was the one who initiated the whole ordeal."

"I'm glad to see you three are getting along," he said.

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