chapter 16

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' the conqueror king '


Life was a walk in a garden, she learned that day. When the clouds were a nimbus black and dispersed in the sky like waves upon waves of smog . Life was a trek through fragile flowers, careful to not crush the stem and crumple the petals, viewing the flowers and admiring their beauty, enduring thorns that grew from tangles of roots and letting your feet bleed to water the plants. You walked through life, appreciate the good things and bear the bad things.

But sometimes there were people who had more share of thorns than flowers and often times, no flowers and only a garden of thorns where they demanded to be watered with blood for every waking moment.

The conversation started early in the morning, a Saturday where Yuko roamed through the town to do short term jobs that would help lessen her monthly payments. She could walk dogs, tend to gardens or even watch stores. Even if it reeked of boredom, she would make it fun- she could make it fun!

"Your name is Yuko, correct?" the woman asks with a careful, curt smile. Her eyes are kind, her hair a beautiful white snow. Even whiter than Yuko's hair. Where Yuko was the artificial white that tended to bend more towards grey, the girl had hair as white as untainted snow. Well, almost. Yuko hadn't failed to notice the red streaks embellishing the expanse of the older woman's hair.

"Yes, I'm the one who called you in regards to the dog walker you were looking for," Yuko answered with a bright smile. She hoped that using the telephone booth and spending that money was worth it.

"Thank you for coming so quickly," the woman said and from what she could gather, she was probably older than Yuko by seven or six years. "My dog, no, he's more like our family dog, is really really grumpy and capricious. There are times when he just sits there and stares then there are times when he's barking so much. I have to visit my mom in the hospital today and my siblings aren't really up for the challenge so I entrust him to you."

She hands Yuko a wad of paper bills. "If it looks like you need to feed him, don't hesitate to buy something- he almost eats anything except for the food that's not suitable for dogs. Also when he's really restless, just take him around the park for a walk."

"I understand," Yuko said.

"I'm glad," the woman said and as if something had startled her, she stood up and held her mouth. "How rude of me. I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Fuyumi."

Yuko is still all smiles, cupcakes and rainbows and dandelion wishes. "Nice to meet you, Fuyumi-san!"

They head to a vast old style Japanese house but the dog is already waiting by the gate, collared with a black leash and just as Fuyumi had said earlier, the dog was still, its honey flecked eyes looking straight ahead and didn't even bother acknowledging its owner.

Fuyumi crouched down to scratch its furry ears. "Roki," she said with a warm smile. "Be a good boy, okay?"

The dog merely responded with a bark and Fuyumi handed the leash to Yuko. "For starters, just take him to a walk around the park, and then don't forget to feed him. If you encounter an emergency, you're free to come here. I'll be back by three in the afternoon, but I guess it'd be easier if swap contacts."

Yuko blinked dazedly at her, free hand scratching the back of her head. "I don't have a phone, sorry."

"Oh..." Fuyumi said, taken aback and Yuko was grateful that she didn't see pity or spite in those beautiful eyes. "I see. I'll be leaving in a couple of minutes. And before I forget, please don't forget to make him hydrated."

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