chapter 32

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' carpe diem '


For a lot of teens in the world filled with superhumans wielding various quirks, with the surfacing of heroes and villains, most people siding with the former, there was something more frightening than the concept of villains. Exams.

Motherfucking exams.

Eggshell-white clouds, the titian sun up above providing energy, wisps of clouds like feathers scattered haphazardly. It was a pleasant day.

At least in the terms of weather.

As said before, motherfucking exams.

A test of knowledge or ability. To assess. In U.A., it tested both ability and knowledge. The exams followed those of the classic school system, a written portion where basic lessons learned were tested and the other half, Yuko was very much aware of- having experienced it last year of the course and undoubtedly failing- was the practical portion. Last year, her quirk pretty much gave up on her so she failed and had to take remedial lessons alternating with detention.

The rest of monotone summer days were spent in a grueling camp and tons and tons of books containing knowledge forcibly crammed into her brain. Half of which she had forgotten by the now.

"I'm dead."

"The midterm exams, they didn't cover much since we'd basically just been admitted, but now..." Kouda mumbled, looking at Sato who had both fists propped on his desk.

"Sure, there were a lot of school affairs and stuff but the end-of-term tests are gonna be way different from the midterms..." the other boy agreed and Yuko couldn't help but glance at them awkwardly.

"The ambiance here is really calm," she noted, slumping on the chair perpendicular to theirs.

Sato chuckled, turned to look at Kaminari's direction. "Yeah, compared to that."

Kouda joined him, fiddling with his fingers. "They're doomed."

Yuko signed in agreement, crossed one leg over the other as Kaminari wailed in despair. "The poor, miserable things."

Kouda could only chuckle awkwardly. All frail gestures and sincere smiles, the boy was like a big squishy teddy bear that provided so much needed serenity. "You're in dangerous waters too, Yuko-san. Ranking 14th and all."

A groan escaped carnation lips and she buried her head on the desk. "I'm so tired. Why do I have to go through this labyrinth of suffering!" she looked up and met Sato's sympathetic eyes. "You guys are amazing. Ranking eleven and twelve. You're basically in the better half."

"Yeah..." was the only thing Sato could say, unknowing of a way to pacify the sulking albino. Yuko had to groan again when the Stain trio- Iida, Izuku and Shouto- berated the flunkies in their own ways. Izuku came out in a subtle, no offense way saying that everyone could do it and he wanted to be with everyone at the training lodge. Iida, passionate as always despite the unfortunate accident that struck his brother, chimed in with an energetic, "Yeah!"

Todoroki followed with a blunt comment saying:

"If you just attend classes normally then you won't have any failing grades." And turned his head to Yuko with those judgemental heterochromatic eyes that probably weren't judgmental at all but Yuko was hurt nevertheless.

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