chapter 36

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' dizzy with stars '


Summertime tunes ring across the bus ready for departure and the personages inside have begun rearranging themselves much to the ire of the teacher and the Class President. The sky is void of clouds today and only the sunshine yellow ball of gas is present along with some birds flying across in their typical V-shaped formation.

"Shouto!" Yuko calls from the walkway as she makes her way to his friend, the bicoloured boy who is almost asleep if she wasn't rude enough to interrupt. "I'll sit next to you, yeah? Move over so I can take the window seat."

"Iida will be mad," is his response but he moves anyway and she lands with a satisfying thump on the cushioned seat, already fishing her newly purchased phone from her pocket.

Yuko sits cross legged, legs pressed underneath her body and shoes discarded on the bus floor. The dappled sunbeams pass through the half-open bus windows and swimming in sunlight, she begins pressing the buttons to head to the Messaging application. Nimble fingers select one contact from the list and she starts composing the text.

"You're texting your relative?" Shouto asks as he leans his head on the headboard and dual colored eyes follow her movement. Casual words are escaping his mouth, but she doesn't miss the hint of curiosity in them.

It only takes a shake of her head to present her response. "Not really," she says, cornflower blue eyes pasted on the screen. "And as much as I'd like to introduce you guys to each other, I figure he wouldn't be too fond of you."

"Why?" he asks, closing one eye and looking up at her. "Is he one of those anti-Endeavor people?"

Yuko lingers for a while before answering, "Technically he is. I told him lots about you though. Buckets and buckets of information about everyone and everything and he's not really overly fond, but whatever. I hope he comes around."

Sounds of fingernails hitting keypads and little laughter from carnation lips tug at the tendrils of his curiosity and Shouto looks to his left to see Yuko. Still composing the text with midnight blue painted fingernails. And drowned in his own curiosity and fueled by the sideway glances the girl is giving, Shouto leans over. Both of his eyes are open and he reads the yet to be sent text which she was more than enthusiastic to show him.

"Bakugou will kill you," Shouto says as his heterochromatic eyes trail on the text. No emoticons and unneeded punctuation marks and only words upon unabbreviated words. Clear markings of someone who is still new to texting.

→ send; katsuki bakugay

Our team murdered your ass on that debate. If you'd only swap with Izuku-my darling friend who is more darling than you- you could have avoided all those deductions. I thought you said heroes always win...? You loser.

And Yuko presses the Send button, Shouto's eyes widening and his fingers grasping hers a second too late. "How many times must I remind you-"

She put a finger to his lips, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Shush, my dearest friend. Babe Katsuki will kill me either way so carpe diem."

"You've been messing with him for weeks now, more than the regular Yuko dosage," he comments and there is a lurch in her chest that she buries deep in memory. "What's up?"

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