chapter 30

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' the language of flowers '


"Are you sure?"

The older man waves her off, tells her it's alright because they're closing early today. But there's a bucket of hesitation weighing in on her conscience. Yuko took two days off with pay just a couple of days ago because of the festival and now, now she was given permission to eat while the others scurried away with their tasks.


"It's okay, Yuko-chan," Shinomiya tells her with a smile. "You go on and enjoy your youth. We can handle this."

"I can wash the dishes after I eat," Yuko offered. "I'm sure Katsuki won't mind."

"Katsuki, eh?" Shinomiya says with a grin, peeking through the square shaped hole where the bowls of ramen where passed through to spot the blond. "A cute name for a cute boy."

Yuko could almost snort at the ludicrous statement. "He's definitely not cute, Shinomiya-senpai," she tells the older woman.

The woman just laughs at her. "My, Yuko-chan. You shouldn't be saying such rude things behind your hot date's back. When I was a teenager, I could only grab the really desperate ones. You're fortunate."

"The other one was cooler though," Lucia Tan interjects as she passes the conversing women, a black tray propped on her hands. "And nice dress Yuko, way prettier than the ones you've been wearing."

Shinomiya winks at her. "Lu's right, blue is a good color on you. Pink too."

"Shinomiya, Tan, hurry up and get back to work!" Matsukata yells and the woman laughs, bades goodbye to Yuko and the white haired female has no choice but to go back to the dining space and sit in front of Katsuki.

"Took you long enough," the blond says and splits his chopsticks apart, pushing Yuko's bowl of somen in front of him. "Hurry up and eat, dumbass."

She doesn't take long to comply, enjoying the texture and taste of the noodles. She also appreciates the fact that Katsuki took the liberty of ordering something decent for her.

"This is tasty, Katsuki," she tells him. "How'd you know somen was my favorite?"

"I didn't," he replied. "I like it the least so I figured that someone shitty like you would adore it."

An awkward chuckle escapes Yuko's lips. "But that's very perceptive of you, Katsuki," she said. "I never thought you had it in you."

"Shut up," he said. "I have my set of morals too."

"They're borderline villainous morals if I have anything to say about it," Yuko teases and another irk mark pops on the boy's skin.

He points his chopsticks at her, which she founds rude but didn't say anything about, and says, "You don't have anything to say about it so shut the fuck up."

Yuko merely raises her shoulders as if to say 'whatever' and resumes eating. It's been a while since she's eaten this much for dinner. Most of the time, she just doesn't eat. It's a given that she needs proper breakfast but the only thing she takes are food supplements (if lucky) or numerous glasses of water.

Lunch is free so she removes all the hunger by indulging in the delicious food provided by Lunch Rush. Katsuki doesn't know how thankful she is for this.

"Say Katsuki, aren't you bothered at all by how people perceive you?"

His eyebrows bunch up in the middle, adorable really but she's not going to tell him, and he grunts at her like some confused animal. "Huh?" in his ornery menacing tone that always fails to send her scurrying away.

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