chapter 38

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‘ achilles heel ’


Chaos in its preeminent form is poisonous fog punctured with screams and some heroes panicking. Bloodstained head, fallen bodies, and the sound of that wall crumbling. Fragile and cannot be rebuilt. The wall of trust.

Oh how she loved that satisfaction, that destruction and she would have given anything to feel the blood flowing from slashed skins and anguish, oh anguish from the youthful faces.

"Where's Midoriya?" Iida asks her amidst all that chaos and she knows where he is but even within the blissful chaos, Kaede maintains her act. She's been waiting a millenia for this, hours wouldn't be a problem.

"I-I don't know!" Kaede shouts and her excitement appears in her voice but she presses the back of her palm to her mouth to silence it. "I have to find him!" And goes to the forest opposite Midoriya's location. She was amazed at how she managed to escape the tedious boy's clutches but going deeper into the forest, she realized that it was easier to trap and navigate because of the smoke.

To tell time as it is, her quirk, to tell death. It was a wonderful quirk that made her feel like a God but considering present circumstances, she figured Gust was a pretty quirk with merits of its own.

Using a gust from her palms, she clears a path for herself and heads to the designated location. Shigaraki had already informed the others of her existence so along with whoever the target was, she was too be retrieved too.

Like hell.

Kaede was not an object, not a benign object. She was a weapon and weapons weren't retrieved like precious jewelry and breakblades that would immediately shatter at contact. Weapons were wielded for destruction. She was meant for destruction. No, she wanted destruction and that made her a weapon in its own right.

If things didn't go according to plan and they displease her like those mortals who offended gods— Arachne, Cassioepia, and all those other fools— she will not hesitate to
deliver heavenly judgment.

Labyrinthine paths spread out in the forest and even after she's heard several explosions, there were a lot coming from Midoriya's direction, Kaede still hasn't contacted one of her allies.

Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Kaede counted again and climbed one of the trees, still using that breeze as a shield from the smoke and finding people, her people.

Although, there was a chasm in her body and at the very bottom, the desire to encounter one of the pro heroes and disembowel them with her abilities. It's been such a long time and she truly misses it. Truly needs the carnage.

"You must be Mizuki Kaede, yes?" a voice says and Kaede doesn't bother turning around to identify who it is. There were only six pro heroes in the vicinity, six adults and this man, magician clothes with a mask and ten clothed fingers, was obviously a villain. "Apologies for intruding so quickly, but I am afraid we have to delay the pleasantries, Kaede-sama. We shall proceed with the capture of Katsuki Bakugou."

Kaede nodded. "Did Tomura tell you anything?" she asked, voice chilly.

"Orders as they were. To be wary of you and be respectful, Tomoe-sama added," he announced and fixed the edges of his gloves before their eyes capture two girls, five boys nearing the two girls.

"That's them," she says and face remains placid as she trails over their features, never catching Bakugou's. Did they hide him? That wasn't plausible. He was a big ball of pride, he wouldn't be ordered, especially by Midoriya and Todoroki.

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