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I walked home but before I got there I got more cigarettes from the gas station.

When I got home it was dark. Mom was home, and James was gone.

I went up to my room to ignore mom drinking. I sat on my bed and put the cigarettes in my drawer.

I decided to call Havah.

She answered quickly.

Havah: hey!!

Aniyah: yo.. what's up?

Havah: nothing much, you?

Aniyah: oh i just got done with hanging out with a friend

Havah: ooh what friend?

Aniyah: well let's not say friend, just this boy i talked to

Havah: like ur talking to him?

Aniyah: not like that, in a friend way, but not friends because we literally just met

Havah: what's his name?

Aniyah: umm gtg bye!

I hung up and put on my pajamas. I let my hair down and combed it out. I got a text from Grayson.

Grayson: hey

Aniyah: hi...

Grayson: sorry about earlier, can i come over?

Aniyah: it's okay, sure

Grayson: what do you want to eat?

Aniyah: get a large pizza

Grayson: alrighty, I'll be there in 20

Aniyah: :)

I walked downstairs and shut off the lights since mom was passed out on the couch. I cleaned up after her and before I could even get her upstairs into her room, Grayson was already here. He carried her upstairs into her room and into her bed, and shut her in.

We walked to my room and ate the pizza while watching, "everything sucks" on Netflix.

Once we ate literally all of the pizza, we just cuddled on my bed.

Later on, we were still watching netflix, and I heard the front door open.

It was James. Past curfew, of course.

Aniyah: stay here, ima go see who it is

I got up and walked downstairs. There he was. James, covered in bruises all on his arms and neck and legs.

Aniyah: what the fuck happened to you?

James: doesn't matter, why are you up so late on a school night

Aniyah: you woke me up

James: oh..

Aniyah: and where were you?

James: at a party

Aniyah: of course *rolls eyes*

James: don't roll your eyes at me you stupid bitch

I wanted to punch him in his tiny dick but I just stood there with my arms crossed.

James: is mom asleep?

Aniyah: yeah, gray- I had to take her up to her room since she passed out from drinking

James: oh.... alright, well you go get some sleep

Aniyah: ok

James: love you sis!

Aniyah: fuck you *giggles*

I ran back up to my room and locked the door behind me. I turned off the lamp and turned off the laptop.

Grayson: I should probably be getting home

Aniyah: no no no, stay, it'll be fine

Grayson: if you say so

Grayson brushed some of my hair behind my ear, smiling.

Grayson: i love you babygirl

Aniyah: i love you too *giggles*

Grayson: we should probably get some sleep

Aniyah: yeah... unless you wanna...?

I looked him deep in his eyes and a smirk grew on his face.

Grayson: fineeee


I woke up to a knock on my door. I open my eyes slowly to find my door opening. Then it was completely open. James was there, with a confused face.

Aniyah: ughh get outta here James!

Grayson was still asleep next to me, and James suddenly started laughing.

I got out of bed and pushed him out of my room. I shut the door and locked it.

I got dressed and put my hair in a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and woke grayson up. He wore my brothers clothes again. Then we headed off to school.

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