twenty six

991 20 0

We were all sitting on the couch, talking. I couldn't stop thinking about Ethan.

Skylar: Gray?

I looked at Skylar and he looked worried. Probably because I wasn't talking and still looked like I was crying.

Skylar: you feeling okay?

I nodded my head, knowing that was a lie.

Liam: loosen up bro

He handed me a drink and I took it, even though I wasn't gonna drink.

None of the boys knew about Ethan, and I never planned telling them. Well they knew I had a brother, but I said he moved away with my dad. But also, aniyah doesn't know how he passed.

Braiden: so gray... tell us a bit about aniyah?

Grayson: uh what?

Evan: tell us about your girl!

Grayson: no thanks *laughs*

That was a fake laugh.

Liam: cmon, how is she in bed?

Grayson: why do you wanna know?

Grayson: knowing all about our sex life?

Skylar: so you guys do have sex!

Grayson: of course!

Braiden: ooooh

Grayson: why wouldn't we?

Evan: are y'all.... freaky?

We all laughed and I just stayed quiet.

Evan: so that's a yes

Grayson: maybe *smirks*


Grayson: why's it matter?

Skylar: bro, she doesn't seem like the freak type

Grayson: yeah, I was surprised too


I was getting a little loopy from how much I drank. It distracted me a lot from everything. Then my phone went off. Aniyah was calling me. I answered her and put her on speaker so the boys could hear.

Grayson: heyy

Aniyah: hi gray

Grayson: wyd?

Aniyah: I'm laying in bed

The boys all gave me this look like I need to ask more.

Grayson: what're you wearing?

Aniyah: clothes *giggles*

Her giggle was so cute.

Grayson: what's under that?

Aniyah: more clothes

Grayson: why you wearing two layers of clothes?

Aniyah: 3 pairs actually *laughs*

Grayson: what's under that 3 pairs?

Aniyah: you know what

Grayson: how's it sound if I come over there and rip that off of you?

Aniyah: amazing

Grayson: be ready

I hung up and ran out, not acknowledging the boys. I started walking to Aniyah's house when a familiar truck drove by.

"Hey, want a ride?"

The person driving the car was Adym. He went to school with me, and him and I were in some of the same classes.

Grayson: sure *laughs*

I got in the passenger seat of his car and buckled in.

Adym: so where you off to?

I thought for a second and then took a breather.

Grayson: just my house

Adym: you seem pretty stressed out

Grayson: yeah, it's been a LONG day

Adym: it sure has

Grayson: bro, I got a girl

Adym: wow! really? first girlfriend ever!

Grayson: I've had plenty of girls

Adym: who is it?

Grayson: aniyah

Adym: Aniyah Wilkerson?

Grayson: yeah, you know her?

Adym: of course, her and I hung out the other day.

Grayson: oh really, I didn't know that

Adym: yeah, she's a baddie, keep her bro

Grayson: i was planning too * laughs*

Grayson: you know, you aren't as bad as people say you are

Adym: you're the fir-second person to tell me that

Grayson: who was the first?

Adym: aniyah

Adym: and just because I smoke cigarettes doesn't mean I'm a horrible person

Grayson: yeah exactly

Adym: but it's really just because my family, they're all fucked up, making me like this

Grayson: yeah, mine too

Adym: finally, someone who understands me

I smiled at him and he smiled back. I had never really talked to him, but he was actually really nice.


I was just laying down on my bed when I got a text from aniyah.

Aniyah: I thought you were coming over

Grayson: that was a joke, I don't feel too good anyway, sorry

Aniyah: oh ok

Grayson: I'll ttyl

Aniyah: whatever

I put my phone on the charger and turned off the light. I cuddled with my pillow, trying to free my mind, but it didn't work. All I could think about was Ethan.

This happened a lot, but he had been on my mind a lot.

I heard my door slowly open. I sat up to see Maya, smiling.

Maya: hey gray, you feeling okay?

Grayson: i'm fine i guess?

Maya: you sure?

Grayson: yeah i'm sure

Maya: i understand you miss him, but he isn't coming back here

If he can't come back here, can I go to him?

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