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We got to school and I saw Havah and Evan making out in the corner of my eye. Then I saw Logan, talking to this other boy, sitting on the bench.

Aniyah: hey Logan!

Logan: oh hi aniyah, this is Cameron

Aniyah: hi cameron

Cameron: heyy! is this your girlfriend or something

Logan: oh no *laughs* shes just a friend

Cameron: oh alrighty

Grayson came up behind me and squeezed my ass.

Aniyah: Grayson *laughs*

Cameron: oh so that's your boyfriend!

Aniyah: somehow

We all laughed it off and talked for a while. Then we headed off to class.


I walked out of class, getting ready to go to lunch, when I saw Adym. He was leaning against some lockers, looking down the hall.

Havah: aniyah!

I looked at Havah and she was confused.

Havah: what're you doing?

Aniyah: just thinking

Havah: about Adym?

Aniyah: no no no...

Havah: yeah you better not, he's a freaking weirdo

Aniyah: well I don't really know him that well so

Havah: he's a druggie! please don't turn into him

Aniyah: I won't, trust me

We headed off to lunch and sat down at the table we always sat. Logan came over and sat with us, and Cameron joined along too. Though Grayson and Evan stayed at their table.

We talked the whole time, I didn't eat at all. We learned a lot about Cameron, and Logan kept giving Cameron this look, like he was into him.

I didn't know, but it seemed that Logan had a lil crush on Cameron.

Havah and I walked out of the cafeteria together, hand in hand.

Havah: wanna skip class?

Aniyah: sure why not *giggles*

We walked into the bathroom and turned on some music, started dancing like complete weirdos.

We spent a lot of time in there, playing games, doing whatever.

Then after 45 minutes flew by, we went our separate ways and to our different classes.


I caught up with Havah and she talked to Evan before leaving. I didn't know where Grayson was but he was always SOMEWHERE. haha, he's such a weirdo.

I got in Havah's car and we sang to a bunch of songs. Once we got to her house, we just chilled and watched Netflix.

I was staying the night at her place, since nobody but her was home.

Around 8ish, we ordered pizza and I put on some of her pajamas. I heard my phone go off and grabbed it. It was from an unknown number.

?: hey, is this Aniyah?

Aniyah: um, yeah, who's this?

?: it's Evan, Havah's boyfriend?

Aniyah: oh uh hi, how'd you get my number?

He was typing for a long time but finally answered.

Evan: i snuck through Grayson's phone and found it

Aniyah: oh ok... you need something?

Evan: well when you were skipping class with Havah, out in the hall, he was talking to this girl, I think her name is like Oakley.

Aniyah: um alright, how'd you know we skipped?

Evan: everyone knew😂

Evan: but Grayson was also eyeing her down, and I heard a bit of their conversation and he was kinda flirting with her

Aniyah: I'll have a talk with him

Evan: okay, I'll see you around?

Aniyah: yeah.. bye

I took my hair down and it was a mess but i didn't care. I ran my fingers through it, calming it down. Then I texted Grayson.

Aniyah: hi!

I waited a few minutes for him to respond. It showed me that he read my text, but he didn't even mind to respond. I waited around 10 more minutes and still no response. I gave up and put my phone on the dresser.

Havah and I hung out for a while, doing whatever. We went live on Instagram and a bunch of people joined.

I heard my phone ding and I jumped up to get it. It was Grayson.


Grayson: hey, sorry for taking so long i was hanging with the boys

Aniyah: it's whatever

Havah looked at me and she smiled.

Havah: did Grayson finally respond?

Aniyah: yeah

Well, we were still live at this time, and Evan was on there.

Aniyah: he was just hanging with Evan and everyone

Havah: oh ok

A few minutes after that, Evan said something on the live.

Evan: Grayson and I didn't hang out, none of the squad hung out...

I was so confused at this point. What is he talking about.

I got back to texting Grayson.

Aniyah: wait, what boys?

Grayson: the boys I hang out with everyday?

Aniyah: Evan is saying you guys didn't hang out at all

Grayson: call me

I called him and he answered immediately. I put him on speaker so everyone could hear, including Evan.

Aniyah: Evan is saying you guys didn't hang out..

Grayson: well we did

I looked back at Havah's phone and Evan said something.

Evan: right after school ended, we all went home and none of us have talked since, I can you send you both the proof

I read Grayson what Evan said, and Grayson just stayed quiet.

Aniyah: are you lying to me?

Then he hung up.

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