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Ch. 5

Allison's POV

I woke up cheerfully the next morning. I got up from my bed and smelled the deliciousness of my grandma's famous chocolate chip pancakes. We both technically loved chocolate chips with different kind of foods.

I rushed downstairs and saw that the whole family was up.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up. Now there won't be enough pancakes." I said pleadingly.

"Don't worry pumpkin. I saved some for you." My grandma said cheerfully.

I said good morning to my mom, dad, and Johnny. We all sat and ate our tasty pancakes.

I got to school, this time, Tracy drove me to school. I was the only one in the 12th grade who didn't have a car! Not cool!

"So... Why didn't you get Dylan to drive you to school this time." Well, rude much.

"What, I can't ride with my best friend."

"Of course you can, what I meant is that he's your boyfriend and you know."

"I know what?!"

"Look, he's your boyfriend and well I thought that he would always take you to school and drop you off."

"I thought that too, but I'm mad at Dylan."

"Can I ask why."

"I told him that I was going to Max's house yesterday and he completely ignored me. He was laughing about whatever with Gina."

"Oh. My. Gosh."


"Your jealous." She sang. What the hell, I'm not jealous!

"I'm not jealous! I just don't like it that he ignored me by just laughing with Gina!"

"That means your jealous."

"How could I be jealous! I'm not jealous! I think I would know that I'm jealous."

"Look, it's obvious that you are. Some people don't even notice that they're jealous. And it's completely okay that you are. Girlfriends and boyfriends can get jealous when they see somebody else with their boyfriend or girlfriend."

"I am not jealous! For all I care, they can hang out and do whatever they want."

"Wow. Your still jealous."


We got to school and started walking down the halls to our lockers. When we got there, I saw that Dylan and Gina were together. They were laughing like they were yesterday.

They soon came to us and started talking.

"Hey guys." Gina said.

"Hi." I said grimly.

"Hey so Allison, I'm not gonna be able to hang out today. I'm gonna work on the project." Wow, first time that Dylan ever says that.

"Well I couldn't hang out either. I have to work on the project with Max." Now that got him out of all the laughing and he stared to clench his fists.

"Oh... Okay." He said through clenched teeth. I don't get him. He can work on the project with Gina and totally ignore and he doesn't even care of what I think. But he obviously cares just randomly that I'm going to Max's house. Unbelievable.

Just then, I saw Max and smiled. He smiled back and... What am I doing! I am mad at Dylan, but I can't do that in front of him. He's still my boyfriend and I have to respect that.

"Hey." Max said.

"Hi." I said back. I was a bit nervous.

Dylan just left and left all four of us standing there in awkward silence.

"So... We better get to homeroom." Tracy said while breaking the silence.


Before I could go inside, Gina pulled me aside to tell me something.

"Allison, I need to talk to you."

"Okay." I said strangely.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I just want to tell you that Dylan and I are just friends. I have no intentions with him."

"Okay, why are you telling me this."

"Because I've seen how you get mad when you find Dylan and I laughing together. I'm not interested in him."

"Oh, okay."

"Can I tell you something."


"The guy who I really like is Max."

Now that got a reaction out of me.

"Really." I said shocked. Did not see this coming.

"Yeah, and I wanted to know if you could help me."

"Help you with what."

"You know... Like talk about me to him. You guys are partners and well I thought you could help me. Will you, please!"

Lets see, talk about a girl to Max who was my ex-boyfriend and talk nice things about her.

"Please! Will you, please!"

"Okay, I'll try."

"Thank you!" She gave me a big hug and skipped into class. I regret even talking to her now.


School was boring, as usual and Tracy drove me home.

"She what?!"

"Yeah! She wants me to talk about her while I work with Max on the project at his place."

"Are you gonna do it."

"I don't know! I don't even know if I should even mention her." Sure, I've hung out with Gina, but I still don't know her that much.

"So what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know."

I seriously don't know.

Hope you fellow readers are enjoying this book, I'm putting a lot of effort so I hope you like it.

Please comment and vote.

Question: What will Allison decide? Will she help Gina, or will leave it alone?

Bonus question: Will Max ever be interested in Gina? Or will he always like Allison?

Next update: Saturday

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