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Ch. 26

Allison's POV

Plans are hard to make. Especially with one head. But when you have twelve heads, its more easier. Especially in juvenile.

The plan was, we go to the bathroom. Guards would be in there, watching our every move. But some of the girls would fake a fight, making the guards separate them and we escape. Full proof plan! Right?


"Are you ready?" Shirley asked me.

"Nervous. But yes. I want to get out of this hell house," I replied.

She nodded, giving me a secure look. But I felt sick to my stomach. Would I be able to do this? Would I be able to actually escape without getting caught?

I just wanted to get this over with.

Shirley, Marcy, Belle, and I all went to the bathroom.

Two girls outside would start the fight. The other 6 would tell out 'Fight! Fight! Fight!'

The guards looked at us, then went back to staring the wall. I took a deep breath and nodded at Shirley. She gave out a thumbs-up to a girl outside. She started to yell and soon the fight began.

The guards immediately ran to them, trying to pull them apart. But nothing helped. I have one look at them, giving then a reassuring smile.

Shirley opened the window, climbed out. Next went Marcy, then Belle. And lastly. Me.

I climbed out, closing the window. But that was a mistake.

The instant I did, the window closed with a loud thump and the guards came rushing in. They opened the window, my leg caught in a branch that was stuck to the ground.

I struggled to free it, it was stuck bad. The guard grabbed my leg, and I kicked her in the face. It wasn't on purpose. I was trying to get her grip off me, ended badly.

We ran and ran, and ran. We ended up in the woods. My breathing the only thing heard. Shirley had said that we should take a break. Then move on.

I sat down near a tree, my back lying against the dry wood. Sweat dripping down my forehead.

I closed my eyes for a second, and a gunshot was heard. I opened them, seeing blood all over my legs.

Shirley was lying on them, a hole in her back. I liked to my right, seeing Marcy and Belle dead too. I flinched at another gunshot.

I slowly lifted Shirley off my legs. Planting a kiss on her forehead, a tears escaping my eye. I did the same with Marcy and Belle.

I ran and ran. Till I was tired. I needed water. It was the only thing running in my mind. My tongue dry, I couldn't make my mouth moist.

My back laid against a tree. My breathing hitched when I felt something at my neck.

"Shhh," he whispered. I nodded, and we slowly walked away.

So if the guards weren't chasing after us. Then who is this?


Hey guys. So I know this chapter is short like the previous ones. Sorry😁

So, may be the next chapter will be longer. Maybe not. I'm running out of ideas. But I will work hard to think of something.

Question: Who is this mystery guy?

Bonus question: What will happen to Allison?

Next update: Sunday

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