:.: Karasuno High :.:

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Beep! Beep!

 Your alarm clock rang annoyingly, causing you to groan. You glanced at your clock which read 5.54 AM, you sighed. You instantly shot up from your bed and slammed your fist onto the clock. I swear one day you're gonna break the poor clock.

You trudged out of bed and went to the bathroom. You walked to your mirror as you rubbed your eyes at the same time. You open your eyes to see you.

Your [E/C] glimmering eyes stared backed at you and your [H/C] bed hair stood up, which caused you giggle to yourself seeing your hair this way. You then started to take off your clothes to get ready for the day!

After a while, you walked downstairs as you try to pull your skirt down. 'Dang it! This skirt is so short! I wish I knew it was this small, I would have changed schools or something...'

You sighed to yourself as you couldn't do anything about your skirt. You started making eggs and bacon for yourself. You see, you were living alone.

Your parents had thought that you should be able to make decisions for yourself, even though you're still young, so they had bought a house in a quiet mountain area, under their name of course, and asked you to move there.

But they were doing this mostly because of the incident about half a year ago... and being the caring parents they are, they wanted you to feel freer.

Anyways, you were now walking to school after having your delightful breakfast. As you were walking there, you pass by a convenience store. You decided you would head towards there after school.

You continue walking towards the school, when suddenly!


A voice yelled from behind. You turn around to see an orange haired boy speeding on a bike towards you. Quickly, you dodged out of the way by just an inch as the bike sped past you.

'Well, that was an adrenaline rush for the morning' You thought to yourself while still wheezing and sweating (only a little) on the ground. You quickly composed yourself and stand up, dusting your skirt, which almost flipped up when the boy speed past you.

"Are you okay!?" The boy ran up to you, practically screaming in your face. You look at him with your big [E/C] eyes, smiling, then nodded. But, you being too oblivious you didn't notice that the boy was blushing slightly.

'W-woah s-she's pretty!' The boy thought. "M-my N-name's Hinata Shoyo! Nice to meet you!" He said, bowing to you. This causes you to laugh, which causes him to blush even harder.

'Her laugh is so nice!' He mentally screamed to himself. "Pfft-no need to be so formal! We are schoolmates after all!" Only then did Hinata realized that you were wearing the female uniform from their school, and he had to admit you looked adorable in it.

*School Bell Chimes*

"Oh shoot! Sorry, Hinata. I have to get going! Bye!" [Y/N] ran towards to the direction of the office while leaving a speechless Hinata behind. 'She called me Hinata...Maybe I should tell her that she can call me by my first name... Wait. What was her name?'

Hinata continue to walk to class, but ponders about you. Who was she really? Will he ever see her again?


What was her name? 

(Time skip brought to you by, salty french fries)

"Hello everyone! My name is [N/N] [L/N]! It is very nice to meet you all!" 

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