:.:A Little Bit Of Conflict:.:

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There's something I don't like about those newbie first-years..." Tanaka said, his head shaking back and forth. [Y/n] nods, she agreed with Tanaka to some extent, still thinking about what you had noticed about the tall french fry Tsukishima.
“You don’t like anyone you meet for the first time," Sugawara replied in an ‘as-a-matter-of-fact’ tone, while you giggle; carrying the volleyball net. “I agree! It’s like his personality to do that! Like it’s already in his blood to do so!” you state cheerfully. 
“M-my personality?” Tanaka repeats as he started sulking, while you panicked and start apologizing. Sugawara suddenly stops in his tracks as he was remembering how the two first-years performed. "But those guys sure were beyond expectations.”  He mutters quietly, “Are you sure you’re going to be okay for this Saturday match?” he asks with a hint of doubt.
Tanaka flinches, “O-Of course. I’m on their team, after all,” he stutters as he places his fist on his chest to show his determination. Sugawara stares at Tanaka with hesitation before turning in front, and continue to walk to the gym closet, “Hmm, true, then there’s Kageyama, too.” He answers, while Tanaka sighs in defeat and you snort.
When you place the net on the floor, it suddenly hit you, you quickly glance at your watch as you realize how late it was, eyes widening in alarm. “Oh, no! I totally forgot that I was supposed to help Kageyama and Hinata!” you whisper-shout at Sugawara and Tanaka because Daichi was close by. Hastily, you grab your bag, making a mad dash towards the door, not before giving a hard kiss to the wall, stumbling backward.
The three seniors wanted to help you up, but you quickly recovered from your fall, giving them a sheepish grin, “BYE! SENPAIS!!” you rave as you jogged away, making your way to help Hinata and Kageyama practice. On the other hand, the boys were quite worried about your safety.
As you were jogging, you were thinking about Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, amazed by their skills, though it was only their first time sounds wrong at volleyball, they were quite impressive, leaving quite a good impression on the seniors, for now, that is.
“Yamaguchi has an average build but with a little leg muscle training, and working on his aim and accuracy, for some reason, I feel like he would make a great pinch server,” you unconsciously mumble out loud. Ideas flow through your mind rapidly as you start writing some plans, tips, and tricks on the palm of your hand.
“On the other hand, Tsukishima has the incredible height advantage, his body figure is also built for a volleyball player, although he seems to be the manipulative type and if he is, he will definitely make an excellent- scratch that, a perfect middle blocker if he trains hard enough…” You talked to no one in particular as you continue to scribble more things on your hands, though now it was trailing down to your arm.
‘Although, Tsukishima seemed to be holding back for whatever reason...’ you ponder.
However, you suddenly stopped in your tracks, realizing what you were doing to your hands. Your eyes widened and you cease writing. You stare at your hands, your eyes hazy. ‘I used to do this for them…’ you thought and look up to the sky, slowly letting your hands down and sighing.
"What am I doing…" you asked in the air, feeling something claw up your throat. You miss this feeling, no- you yearn for this feeling, the strong emotion of passion, willpower, and hardship, then, in the end, you swiftly claim the victory.
You miss everything.

 You miss them.

'Maybe it was better if I forgot about them. They probably have already forgotten about me, hate me, and I'll probably never see them again anyways...' you thought as you continue to walk. 'This could be a new refreshing start. With my new teammates, we can make new memories together', you thought as you smiled to yourself. You were filled with a new found confidence, and new strength determined to give it you're all for your new friends, and maybe in the future, family.
"Wow, you guys actually found somewhere to practice. Too bad it's outside," you were snap out of your thoughts when you hear a familiar snobbish voice not too far away and decide to check what was going on.
You were already having a bad feeling about this.
As you get closer to the culprits who to find out who was causing the commotion, you instantly guess when you heard the all too familiar voice of Kageyama, who was acknowledging the french fry and the broccoli to Hinata. You decided to hide behind a tree as they had their conversation, ' what are they saying?' you contemplate as you try to listen.
"Hey, I was talk-" Hinata tried to speak up but was interrupted by Kageyama.
"How tall are you?” Kageyama demands Tsukishima to answer, "Tsookie is 188cm! And he'll be 190 soon!" Yamaguchi proudly brags, as Hinata looks back at the two of them in shock, "1-190?!" he exclaims stammering as he looks up to Tsukishima, a small smirk could be seen from the blonde before faces Yamaguchi, "What are you bragging about, Yamaguchi?"
“O-oh sorry Tsookie!" he apologizes blushing a little. ‘Yamaguchi is such a cinnamon bun…’ you think as a warm flowery aura surrounded you.
Tsukishima lets it slide and directs his attention towards the raven-haired setter with the biggest shit eating grin on his face, “So, you’re THE Kageyama of the Kitagawa Daiichi, right?"
You were snap out of your thoughts when you heard that title, “Kageyama… is the ‘King’?”
You remembered the match like it was yesterday, Kageyama set the ball and no one was there to spike it, every one from his team had abandoned him, a little piece of him must have also broken that day too, seeing how he is reacting to that name too.
"What is an elite like you hanging out in Karasuno for?" he asks as the taunting smirk grew on his face when he saw Kageyama's resentful glare.
"We won't lose this Saturday, you got that!" Hinata proclaims with much confidence, but Tsukishima only gave him a mere glance to the side and a small chuckle.
"Ah, now I get it," he sarcastically states as he starts tossing the ball up and down while circling them, "this will be an important match for the two of you, but I'm really not interested in winning nor losing so if you really want to win that badly," he stands in front of Kageyama and catches the ball in his hand.
"I can go easy on you if you like." he finishes, giving an innocent smile to the Kageyama and Hinata.
Kageyama shoots a menacing look, "Tsk, whether you go easy on me or not, in the end, all that matters is that I win." He growls back as he giving him a fiery glare.
 "I THINK YOU MEAN 'WE'" Hinata corrects while failing his arms, but yet again, he goes unnoticed. 
"HA HA! Amazing confidence, as expected from the 'King'" Tsukishima retorts back. 
“Don't you dare call me that!" Kageyama thunders as his anger could be seen rising, but Tsukishima just whistled, “Wow, so it is true then, the rumor that YOU lose it when you are called the ' king of the court'" he provokes Kageyama, you could see Kageyama clenching his fist his knuckles slowly turning white. Tsukishima was pleased by his reaction, “What’s wrong with ' king'? It’s cool! I for one think it suits you!” acting all innocent as if he had done no wrong.
'Tsukishima, you are really a horrible human being, this is getting out of hands I have to stop this!' you thought as you waited for the right moment to come out.
"What do you want from me?" Kageyama asks, infuriated.
Tsukishima just gave him an innocent look "I watched the prefecture preliminary tournament."
"Haha, that really was some egocentric tossing!"
”I can’t believe your teammates could tolerate it because I just couldn’t stand it!”
‘He's going to lose it!’
 “Oh! But, I guess that they too, could not tolerate it anymore either.”
You quickly sprint out of your spot and stand in between Tsukishima and Kageyama, to block them from any further physical contact from each other, your back against Tsukishima, and your hand pushing Kageyama in the stomach. Everyone eye’s widened at the sight of you, and there was a tint of pink that brush Kageyama and Tsukishima faces.
“[L/N]?!” everyone, except Tsukishima, exclaimed in surprise, you smile bashfully, “That’s the name,” you say as you got out from the position you were in, “What were you thinking Kageyama?! What if someone from our school saw you, you could get in deep shit!” you yell out as you shake your head in dismay.
“Well, he started it!” Kageyama exclaims as he points an accusing finger at Tsukishima with Hinata nodding in agreement, while Tsukishima just stands there staring at you.
“Well, you guys shouldn’t have argued in the first place,” you sigh while your eyes drift towards Tsukishima who was still staring at you, you flinch, “W-What is it Tsukishima-kun?” you ask.

There was an awkward silence.

“Tsk, just another pest.” He says, picking up the ball. That hurt more than you thought when he said that, a wave of betrayal and sadness hit you, as you look down at your feet.
Kageyama stares at you, then grabs your hand, “Let’s go…” he says calmly, picking up his bag and dragging you along, “Um, Kageyama-kun wait-“you try to persuade Kageyama to stop but Tsukishima interferes, “Running away? Well, I guess the king is not what he seems,” he provokes again.
“Maybe I’ll win against the king this Saturday too-“Tsukishima was cut off by Hinata who jump and swiftly grab the ball away from him when he had tossed it in the air. You smile at this and the reaction of Tsukishima, who had a look of bewilderment of his face.
“Cut the crap with the ‘King’ thing!” Hinata defends, then turns around glaring, “Because, I’m here too! And I’ll spike the ball over your head during the match” he announces. Kageyama had stopped walking at this point and has let go of your hand, he was staring motionlessly at Hinata.
‘I guess he never had anyone to defend him…’ you thought.
Tsukishima, however, just squinted his eyes at Hinata and give menacing stare. Hinata proceeds to back away in fear, while you try to hold in your laughter.
Tsukishima exhales and just smiles innocently at Hinata, “Let’s not get so intense now, after all, we are only doing this for fun, it’s only a club activity in the end.” He replies.
You were taken back by Tsukishima’s words, was that what he really felt about volleyball, ‘just a club activity’?
“Do you really feel that way Tsukishima?” you accidentally say out loud, causing the attention to be on you. You gasp as you quickly cover your hands over your mouth, “I-I err…” you stutter but no words came out.
Tsukishima stares at you for a moment before turning away, “I mean what I said… See you later.” He says as he walks away. Yamaguchi says a quick, “See ya!” Then trails not far behind Tsukishima.
When the tall duo was far enough, Hinata sighs, “Man, those guys give me the creeps, let’s pummel them to the ground!” he says filled with new determination, you joined along with him and punch the air, letting out a small, “Yeah!” as well.
“I don’t need you to tell me that…” Kageyama speaks as he continues walking away, “Hey, Kageyama-kun where are you going?” you ask kindly.
“Huh?” he questions as he turns towards you and Hinata, “We aren’t done yet!” Hinata states while you nod happily, “Yup! And I’m here to help too!” you exclaim pointing both thumbs to yourself. The two boys blushed at your action.

The three of you then practice volleyball almost until midnight.

Sincerely TC,
Stay Tune~

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