:.:I Found You:.:

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"[Y-Y/N] [L/N] is that you?"

Ah, that old name.

It feels like everything around you has slowed down to an abnormally slow pace.

When was the last time someone called you that?

It was then and there your face wash over with blank confusion, your brain cogs slowly turning, finally realizing that the woman had called out your name.

Pathetic, this is why they left you

And it was not just your name, it was your real name.

Because you abandoned everything.

How was it that your name rolled off her tongue so easily, the tenseness grows in your head and heart.

Because you abandoned your old self.

You closed your eyes tightly.

You abandoned them.

You slowly turned around, taking a deep breath, you peek through one of your eyes, to your surprise, it was a woman with straight black hair that went slightly below her breast and small lips, her eyes are large and round, their irises an ocean blue, with rather thick upper eyelashes.

She is tall and slender and don in a light brown trench coat and black leggings, she seems to also be wearing a white shirt with a black tie on, in short, a very beautiful woman.

You were shocked, not because you knew this woman, but the opposite really.

You stare at her apprehensively and suspiciously, mainly because she was a stranger and she knew your past identity, a dangerous situation to be frank, "O-oh, hi miss?, I think you might have got the wrong girl," you say nervously and in an almost unsure tone as you inch away slightly.

The woman cocked her head to the side curious then giving a small smile, "Hahaha, I'm not too sure about that! Your that volleyball girl, aren't ya? The one in U17?" she says pointing and gesturing volleyball moves, "sure your hair has grown a little and you look a little different from before but you definitely look like her!" She exclaims excitedly, she reminds you of Hinata a little.

You scratch your head, a tint of pink on your cheeks, "Ahahaa... You caught me!" You say shrugging and giving awkward finger gun to the woman, your mood clearly lighter than before.

"Wow! This is amazing! I can't believe! The Great Ikari herself! In the flesh! So, how's the team?" She giddily bounces about and questions you.

Your smile immediately disappears, going back to your depressed mood, "um... yeah, hahaha, I.... I'm not in THAT team....anymore..." you say in a heavy and hushed tone, you shifted yourself to lean yourself on the bridge to allow you to admire the sunset.

Wrath (Haikyuu!Various! x Fem!Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now