:.:Super Secret Practice:.:

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And of course, Kageyama, Hinata, and Tanaka were given a week to practice for the upcoming match against Daichi and the two other newbies. They knew they had to start right away...

Little did they know that a certain [H/C] haired girl had followed them. She knew about their plan and she really wanted to see how they would do. Plus, she wanted to give them moral support and look after her fellow first-years as well.

And maybe, just maybe. Wanted to feel the gym floor like last time.

You let out a loud yawn, walking towards school at 5:54 AM. People might be wondering what you are doing at 5:54 AM in the morning when school starts in 2 hours because that's certainly too early!

Well if you remembered, the lovely Daichi had challenged Hinata, Kageyama, and Tanaka to a three on three matches between him and another two first years would be playing against them, and with Tanaka trying to secretly tell them to meet him for practice today in the morning.

You sigh at yourself for making this decision. 'But I can't help having this urge... to watch them grow, become stronger... To see them soar...'

'...to fly.'

You smile to yourself at this thought. Even if you only did just met them, you somehow felt a connection with them. Maybe it's because of how much they reminded you of your old teammates. But whatever it is, you were happy with it anyways.

"[N/N]? Is that you?" You hear a familiar motherly tone call for you, and you whipped your head around to see that is none other than— "Hey, Sugawara-senpai!" You wave to him as you wait for him to catch up to you.

"What are you up so early for senpai? You should get more rest!" You lightly scolded Sugawara, he looks up to you and puffs his cheeks. Scolding and being scolded are two very different things.

"I should be the one telling you that!" You laughed at his action. 'a-ah I finally made her smile!' He (fangirled) internally. He was finally able to make you smile genuinely, and it was enough to make his heart swell.

"Hehe, well if you must know, I was going to the gym! I think Tanaka-senpai, Shō-chan, and Kageyama-san are going to be there. Especially with Tanaka-san being weird and all," you informed him. "Ah, yes. I was actually heading there too. Tanaka isn't very good at hiding it," he jokes and you laughed.

Soon, two were walking to the gym, making small talks between each other. "By the way, you don't have to call me senpai. Sugawara is just fine," he says, blushing and scratching the back of his head. You look up, pretending to ponder about something, before snapping your fingers.

"How about Suga?" Sugawara covered his face to hide his blush it doesn't work. 'Ah! Why does she have to be so cute!?' he internally screamed. "Uh, if you don't like it the-" "NOPE IT'S OKAY! I mean, it's fine. Y-You can call me that..." he said, now as red as a tomato. You laughed at his cute action.

You and Sugawara were now closer to the gym, and you could hear the faint, familiar voices of two boys arguing and the sounds of volleyballs hitting the floor. Sugawara finally opened the door, grinning.

"Morning practice, huh? Guess we're right, [N/N]!" he said as you poked your head from the side and waved to the boys, also grinning. (aw, like mother like, waiiiiiit)

"Suga-san!" Tanaka exclaimed, looking shocked. "And— [N/N]-CHAN?!" Hinata and Kageyama screamed even louder than Tanaka. You winked at them and put your index finger on your lips, which caused them all to blush... a lot.

"B-but how did you guys figure it out?!" Tanaka asked. He was sure he was careful when telling Hinata and Kageyama for practice. I mean, he's Tanaka Ryuu!

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