:.:The King V.S. The Peasant:.:

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Kageyama glared at Hinata while Hinata gritted his teeth angrily. "I played with all my might!"



'Hinata...' You were shocked at his outburst, but he had every right to say it. It made your blood boil, too, when somebody doesn't appreciate your efforts.

The two boys glared at each other intently before Daichi spoke, "Guys... you know you're not enemies anymore, right?" as well as scratching the back of his head at the same time.

"Yeah, guys! Come on, fighting is bad, especially when you're in the same team now!" You said, agreeing with Daichi. Which in return, causes Daichi to blush at your agreement.

Daichi then started explaining, "Volleyball is all about about teamwork-" but he was rudely cut off by Hinata. "I'll challenge you!" he proclaimed.


"HEY, DAICHI-SAN IS STILL TALKING!" You and Tanaka exclaimed but was ignored.

And Kageyama was of no help. "Challenge me to what?" Kageyama asked. "VOLLEYBALL! What else?"

"How do you expect to challenge me one-on-one?" The orange-haired male slightly panicked.

"L-like a passing contest!" Hinata claimed, stuttering as well. Meanwhile, Daichi started to have an irritated look on his face, which you took a step back from.

I mean, he looked like he was going to murder someone! "How do you compete at passing?" Kageyama questioned, completely oblivious to their captain's change. 

"Listen! DAMN IT!" Tanaka yelled making a weird/intimidating face. You put a hand on Tanaka as you shook your head. "I'm pretty sure that you can't stop them once they're at it, judging from what's happening now..."

You sigh, but Tanaka , however, was not listening at all but instead was fangirling(fanboying?) that a pretty girl had touched him. A little someone behind you was jealous, whatsoever.


"What's the commotion, volleyball club?"

A new commanding voice appeared. It was the dean (faculty head)! The dean was a stout man wearing a suit, and had an unimpressed looked on his face as he entered.

"Oh no..." You murmur as you suddenly deflate. 

The seniors' expressions changed, especially Tanaka's as he exclaimed, "Yikes, the dean!" Sugawara squints his eyes at Tanaka and quickly corrected his error. "Sensei!" he whispered loudly to Tanaka which he repeats "Sensei."

"You'd better not be fighting." He causally walks over to them, staring at the two young boys who were still clearly glaring at each other. You quickly jumped in. "Ah, no no no sir! Nothing is wrong here! Just some friendly rivalry!"

You frantically waved your hands gesturing to the two boys. You then nudged Daichi to say something. "Y-yes exactly sir. Just friendly rivalry, right?" Daichi questioned the two boys, who were still glaring at each other. Intently. 

Tanaka started whispering to them, "This dean like to make trouble, so keep it down." but yet again to be ignored.

"Serve! And I'll return them all!" Hinata screeched 

"HEY!" Tanaka raved.

"I was able to get one of your serves last year." 

'Right in the face though...' You thought, remembering the fact that you were  watching during the match where he got smacked in the face by the ball.

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