:.:What She Did:.: (Special)

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The door opens and she walks in to see the boys still fuming with anger and rage. As they slammed the ball harshly when serving and especially, him.

"Ms. Kami? Do you know where [Y/N]-chan is? She hasn't been here since yesterday..." The captain, Yuu Ichbai asked worriedly. Yuu-kun was a forgiving person.

Unlike SOME people.

Ms. Kami looks down, avoiding the captain's eyes. She remembered the way the [L/N] left with a sad and broken smile. 'Such a selfless girl...' She thought and watched as the boys continued releasing their anger.

'Yet selfish at the same time...' "I..." The words got stuck in her throat. She didn't know why, but it just didn't feel right. Not only did the boys deserve an explanation, you deserved to be forgiven, too.

Forgiven because you held it all for yourself.

"Why do you care so much about the b*tch?" A haughty remark from Wakaru made them all look at him, anger still evident on his face. "Wakaru..!" Yuu warned, his voice rising. He didn't like the way they were so inconsiderate to you.

Not only are you the youngest and the only girl, but you were also there for them. Always. When they were mad or sad. When they were happy and over the moon. You comforted them like a mother would.

And he knew that there are some in the group that was already wishing you would just appear and smile and comfort them as usual. That's what he liked about you... Your ever-ready smile and cheerful self.

But not now...

Not now...

A tinge of sadness pricks his chest, and a different kind of anger washes over him. Why did he not stop you? Why did he not talk to you on the bus? Why did he just... Not do anything..?


Great, now her voice is asking him why. "She's still our friend, Wakaru. And also, you have no right to insult her after what you did." He glared at their libero, something he didn't do often and crossed his arms.

"Have you got no shame at all?" "Why, you're worried about the media? The press?" His blood began to boil even hotter. How could he just think of that and not you? All because of one stupid match?

"Listen here. I don't care what they write about us. I don't care if they think badly of us. But I do care about [Y/N]. Who knows where she is right now? You know how she is, right? After everything we went through, you should at least know what happens to her if we lose a match."

The other became silent. "She will and always will blame herself. Whether it be her fault or not. Even if it's just a normal practice match, she will always blame herself for every little mistake the group makes."

Silence settled down. A silence so deafening, it hurt to even hear. Wakaru tightened his fist. "Ms. Kami..." The sad woman bit her lower lip. "Tell us. You know something, right? Please..."

The coach nodded, taking out a familiar flip-phone. "That's..!" She nodded again. "[Y/N]... She told me to show you a message she had with someone... I'll send it to your phones right now."

As she scrolled down, her heartfelt being stepped on as she saw the nicknames set for each player, each friend she had. All describing each of their personalities and position in volleyball.

"Captain Dad", "Moody Little Libero", "My 'Onii-chan'", and many more. As she hit send, she knew that they all received it. Their ringtones saying so. Slowly, they all read the message she had from 'Anonymous'.

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