:.:Fear Of The Truth:.:

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[Y/n] watches as the two tiny teams huddling up together as the net was being put up, leg bouncing as you sit down beside the club's manager. Your glance sliding over to the two temporary teammates of the captain, and you feeling a faint lingering sense of irritation spiking up.

One was the size of a skyscraper and had such a bad attitude that it made you want to punch him. Badly. 'Salty french fry,' as you had dubbed him. The other one was a boy who was, obviously, skyscraper's only friend and was so adorable you might die. (NYD: He's FRECKLED JESUS, I TELL YA!) Tsukishima gave a side glance to your direction, noticing your stares, he turns towards you and sticking out his tongue, an evil glint can be seen in his eyes.

This causes you to glare and hiss at him, giving him the finger which Kiyoko reacted by whacking your hand and reprimanding you, which Tsukishima then chuckles at you, and all you can do is scowl dangerously at him.

Putting that aside, you remembered the declaration of war that the first years made when they met, and seeing that meeting, you could tell that they're going to be great friends already. Never have you ever wanted to maim somebody in the face, and it wasn't even for yourself. You sigh, "Ah, boys..." You say and Kiyoko nods, understanding just how you irritated you were feeling.

"Alright! Let's get started, I'll be on Tsukishima's team," Daichi announcing, of course before we even start Tsukishima enters, "Um... The little one and Tanaka-san, which one shall I crush- I MEAN, block first?" Tsukishima proclaims loudly, with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. Just how annoying can he get.

An offended look appeared on Hinata's face while Tanaka gritted his teeth and eyed him. "Oh, yes, yes. I'd like to see the king lose too," Tsukishima continues pushing buttons, his sick grin widening.

Yamaguchi, being a naturally worry bean, whisper– warn Tsukishima that he was being too loud and that they can hear him. Tsukishima frowning at him, putting a hand on his hip, and said with as much as care as an ignorant person, "That's the point, I hope they lose their cool." You stared at him, sweat dropping at his blatant show of disrespect.

"Sassyshima... sadist-Shima..." you mutter to yourself. Tsukishima quickly turning to you, making you flinch, he stares at you with his glasses shinning then looks away. 'Uh... what was that?' You thought at his strange action.

"Tsukishima, you've got a serious character problem," Daichi informs him, while you nod in agreement. "Sassyshima!" you replied, Daichi and you laughing at the nickname. Ignoring both of you, Tsukishima continues to provoke Kageyama, "Our special feature is the King, who's been abandoned by his underlings," Tsukishima sneered, making Kageyama stiffen in his spot.

You then gave Tsukishima the, 'angry mom' look, crossing your arms (likeashmolshinnamonroll) and smacking Tsukishima in the head, although you had to jump up just to do that, "Tsukishima, that's rude! These guys are going to be your future teammates for the next three years! You should treasure them!" you scolded, Tsukishima looks a bit taken back with your action.

You always seemed like you held back a certain part of you, a certain part of your true self, was this part of your hidden self?

Realizing what you've done, you quickly covered your mouth, blushing in mortification. "I-I'm sorry... That w-wasn't..." You looked away hastily with your bangs thankfully shielding your eyes.

Daichi then pet your head and smiled, "It's alright [N/N], in fact, you should do that more often. It's kind of like... like....." he puts his hand under his chin, as he tries to find his words, suddenly he snaps his fingers. "Natural! It seems like your true self, so please just be you!" he encourages.

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