:.:The Meeting:.:

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"What the heck are you doing here!?"

The ball of energy exclaimed in disbelief, effectively distracting the ravenette and making him almost lose his balance. As the tall male stood, the volleyball that was previously in the air now hitting his head, you peeked slightly from Hinata's back and blinked.

'Wait... Isn't he from Kitagawa Daiichi? What's he doing here?' "W-What are you doing here!?" He yelled once again after not receiving an answer, as well as voicing out your thoughts. This sight was not what the hyperactive highschooler was expecting.

He was supposed to be greeted by an empty gym, or probably by one of the club members, and show off his awesome moves to you.

Not his rival.

You were just standing beside Hinata while the raven hair colored boy gave deathly glares at him. I mean, you could literally see an electric line forming in Hinata's eyes while the other boy just stared at him with a blank expression on his face. You stood there awkwardly, sweat dropping like in the anime.

"I met you last year..." the boy says,

'Oh so they know each other-' you thought,

"But I can't remember your name..."

'Or not'

"M-my name is Hinata Shōyō! You probably don't remember the team you beat in the first match but-"

"I remember you very well." The raven hair boy interrupted. Yet again silence fell. You stood there quietly watching the whole scene unfold. The boy slowly turned his head facing Hinata, "W-what? Hey! W-what is it!? You wanna fight?!" He exclaimed, going into a fighting(?) stance.

"Hey, now Sho-ch-"

"You were lousy!" The boy yelled loudly. Hinata suddenly did a pose with small tears coming out of his eyes, this action caused you to giggle.

"Sure, we got slaughtered by you guys! But," he paused for a sec, "Next time, I won't lose!" Suddenly the raven hair boy stares at him intently, causing a shiver to go down your spine. 'Well, that's scary'.

"That's what I pledged to myself, so what are you doing here?!" Hinata says while jumping and pointing towards him. 'Cute!' You thought, his jumping reminded you of a little joey.

"How can I defeat you when I am on the same team as you!" You sighed at Hinata's questions even though he was cute, he is still a goofball. Wait a minute, did you just called him cute?

"Shouldn't you be at some other school with stronger players?" he asks tilting his head to the side.

"Why didn't you go there?" The boy turns to Hinata and says in a threatening monotonous tone,

"The strongest school in the prefecture...."

You and Hinata gulp.

"Rejected me..."

You stared at him and started to laugh quietly. You can't help it because it was anticlimactic.

"You didn't make it? Even though you're the king of the court?" Hinata questions, you were shocked to hear that from Hinata. 'He is Kageyama Tobio? The self-centered setter?' You pondered. 'No wonder he's familiar... Shame, really. He has skills, but zero cooperation with his team...'

You had watched one of their matches once, to analyze the different school for some improvements for your own team, and saw him playing in the match that day.


"Don't..." you looked up to him

"CALL ME THAT!!" Those eyes,

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