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*Dedicated to Ziall_124 for being such a great reader and commentator! Thank you Christina!*

I Don't Need My Heart . . .


<<Niall's POV>>

<<Austin Texas, 2018>>

"What is this?" Mom asked. I had been on my phone for a while and my parents were suspicious as to what I was doing.

"Niall, who is this Josh Devine?" Dad asked sternly. My heart dropped. They found out.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. There was a reservoir in my eyes, that I've been holding back for a long time.

"Niall, it says 'I'll give you fifty bucks for the blow.'" Mom read. I was sobbing now.

"Why the heck would you be doing this?" Dad asked, holding back a lot of anger.

"When we discovered that you were gay, we said we were okay with it, just as long as you don't pursue it. Now, look at this, you went and did this with this boy, for fifty dollars?" Mom asked, sternly.

"Niall, I don't know what to do, but there will be consequences." Dad said sternly as well. Now I was terrified. I didn't know what to do.

"Very big consequences." Mom glared.

"No! Mom! Dad! You're not letting me live my life, you control everything!"

"No, we don't, we cannot let our son make sinful choices." Mom replied, sternly. They were very devout Christians and took the Bible very literally.

"This isn't fair!" I sobbed. They got up and took all of my electronics out of my room.They took my laptop, my phone, my tablet, my diary and my guitar. It was about ten o'clock.

"Go to bed, you're not going to school tomorrow, we've got a lot to talk about." Dad said. Once he closed the door. I sobbed my eyes out.

"Quit crying too, you're such a wimp." Mom scolded. I only cried more. I was in crisis and in a mental breakdown. "This is the last straw, Niall, we warned you."

"We gave you chances, but you broke them," Dad scolded.

"Mom! Dad, this is so unfair, Jesus Christ!" I wailed. Mom just slapped me across the face.

"You will not use the Lord's name in vain, I will not tolerate this!" She hissed, as she pulled my bleached hair.

"Now, go to bed, we have lots to talk about tomorrow when I come back home from work." Mom said.

"Why are you doing this? It's so selfish." I wailed.

"I love you very much, and I know that because I'm doing this to protect you." Mom replied. I started to reply, but Dad cut me off.

"We've had enough, now go to sleep, now."

I know what they were going to do. They were going to pull me out of the school, take away all access to the internet and isolate me from the rest of the world. No way that I was going to spend the rest of my childhood with my parents who hate me and won't accept me for who I was. I was in such crisis.

I looked over and saw my bathrobe.

God, I would love to have that bathrobe rope around my neck, that would feel so great. I thought. I looked at my pencil sharpener.

Gee, I bet that blade would make me happy. I thought. I looked over my room. I didn't have much, I mostly just liked to read on the internet and watch YouTube. Also, I liked to play my guitar. School was a great place for me. It was a way for me to escape from my home. My home where my parents were always on my back, trying to make me into a son that I was not destined to be.

Greg, my older brother, was already shipped off somewhere. He joined the military at the last minute to escape an arranged marriage. He hated it too, but he fared better than me because he was closer to my parent's standards than I will ever be. My life was bleak. Though I loved school, and my friends there, Stefani, Tyler, Katherine, Demetria. All of my friends, those meant the world to me. But I was failing at school. My parents already threatened to homeschool me. And I was terrified of that because it just meant more suffocation than I already am in.

I looked at my closet. I saw my duffel bag there. My parents were already asleep.

"I guess that I forgot I had a choice" I sighed. I had already made my mind.

"I let you push me past the breaking point." I said, as I packed up my bag. I put my essentials, like clothes, basic hygiene products. I also got my wallet. I carefully snuck out of my room. The floor creaked a bit under the carpet, but not enough to wake anybody up. I went and took my phone from the kitchen counter, that had all of my confiscated items.

Wait, they can track you with that. I thought. I shook my head. It would be too impractical. I looked at my other things. My computer and tablet could be tracked as well. I couldn't take my guitar, it would be way to bulky.

"Sorry, I'm gonna have to give you up." I whispered to my guitar. I gave her a kiss and took my diary. It had no lock, and could be read. Thankfully, I don't think that my parents has gone through that yet. They probably would have though, if they weren't as tired. I took my diary. I went to my father's desk and grabbed about three hundred dollars. If they weren't going to spend any money on me, I might as well take this. I took some medications and a first aid kit. I also took some blankets and my jacket. Even though it was the middle of summer, I put them all on.

I went into the pantry and carefully took all of the rice and bread. If I was hungry, this was probably something I could eat really quick. I failed health class. So I don't know what I should be packing. Our house was one story. I knew that the door would be too loud if I opened it. I carefully wrote a note that said.

Don't try to find me, I'm already dead, sorry.

I tried to fake a suicide. I didn't want the police to be scouring for me. I took my gold necklace that me grandma gave me. At least I'd be able to pawn that if I got really desperate. I opened the window. And then I ran to the end of my block. There were cars still running around. I saw some convenience stores.

Shit, where do I go? I thought. I couldn't go to my friend's house, they would of course take me in, but they would also be criminals for harboring a runaway minor. I looked around.

Shit, I didn't plan this part out yet. I immediately started to regret my decision. I started to turn around. But images of myself suffering from loneliness, despair and frustration stopped me. I spotted a sign for a nearby park. I followed that, keeping in the dark, to avoid suspicion. I found a park bench and sat down, tying my bags to my body. I pulled out my wallet. I had a total of about five hundred dollars.

I was tired. I pulled on of the blankets over me. I held my wallet close to my hand. Oh, I was going to be in for a hell of a ride. But I was tired. Tomorrow. Yes, Tomorrow I will think of what I'll do.

Yes! Finally! New book! Now, I literally just planned this out last night, so this might seem botched, but I have limited time, so please enjoy!

Sorry if the prologue is short :/

This book might be shorter than my other one though. 

Question: Tell me what you think will happen? Niall's been introduced, tell me what you think all of the other characters who haven't been introduced will do? (Hint, look at the description)

I Don't Need My Heart *A Ziall AU*Where stories live. Discover now